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Subject: Re: [legalcitem] Meeting Wednesday 10:00 EST

Dear Thomas,

thanks for your email.
There are important inputs in your email useful for focusing the scope of LegalCiteM.

1. "Printing or publishing of the act by another party other than the official OJ publisher is out of the scope of ELI." This is an important issue because LegalCiteM does not this limitation. So ELI covers only partially the scope of LegalCiteM.

2. "Consolidated versions in Denmark are published in the OJ and they get a new number; they will have there own ELI. Users cite a law using the latest consolidated version number." This is a great problem in case of dynamic link to the last version. Each previous document with a link to a given act/law has to be modified in order to point out to the new version that has a new ELI number. This is another functionality that LegalCiteM wants to cover: avoid to change the anchors/references in the text in case of republishing/updating/consolidation of a legal referenced act.

3. "I actually made a mistake in the use-case document : the {year} component in the canonical ELI corresponds to the year of signature of the document, not the year of publication. The year in the canonical and alias ELI would thus be always consistent."
Actually in the current ELI-Italian proposal we have the following situation:
- urn:nir- http://www.normattiva.it/uri-res/N2Ls?urn:nir:stato:legge:2015-12-28;221
- ELI canonico - http://www.gazzettaufficiale.it/eli/id/2016/1/18/16G00006/sg
- ELI reference - http://www.gazzettaufficiale.it/eli/legge/2015/221
In this case we have the law 221 published in 2016, but the promulgation date is 2015. It is creating confusion in the editors/published/services and also in the end-users.

Il 10/02/2016 16:54, Thomas Francart ha scritto:

Thank you for your feedback. Sorry for the delayed answer due to the fact I needed to validate my answer with the ELI representative in Copenhaguen.

2016-02-03 19:02 GMT+01:00 monica.palmirani <monica.palmirani@unibo.it>:
Hi Thomas,

because during the today LegalCiteM meeting we didn't have time for discussing on some issues, I recap hereafter my doubts in order to answer to your question:
"Does the LegalCiteM committee have comments on this use-case?"

The canonical form presented today (Denmark ELI  http://retsinformation.dk/) is mostly linked to the publication activity and it uses publication data like date of publication (year), medium of publication (series of the gazette). For Akoma Ntoso those data are metadata of the document and they are not included in the blocks for building the URI.

I have some questions related to that:
i) in case of republication of the same act, in a different time (after one year) or different medium (regional and national bullet) does ELI URI change even if it is the same WORK (FRBR)? If yes, only the metadata can connect the documents each-others in a lifecycle flow, isn't it?

In Denmark, the same act will not be republish as in repromulgation. Printing or publishing of the act by another party other than the official OJ publisher is out of the scope of ELI.

Consolidated versions in Denmark are published in the OJ and they get a new number; they will have there own ELI. Users cite a law using the latest consolidated version number.

From a theoretical point of view, if I understand correctly your concern, yes in the case you describe the ELI URI would change and the metadata would allow to link the documents together to the same work or complex work.

ii) in case of publication in the new year (like now 2016) of an act dated in previous year (e.g., 30/12/2015), we have a two forms:
canonical:http://retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2016/1670  (note that we are mixing date of publication with number of act)
alias: http://retsinformation.dk/regel/lov/2015/12/30/1670
It seems to me a quite confusing annotation for the end-user that can associate the act n.1670 both to 2016 and 2015 year information.

I actually made a mistake in the use-case document : the {year} component in the canonical ELI corresponds to the year of signature of the document, not the year of publication. The year in the canonical and alias ELI would thus be always consistent.

I hope this answers your questions.

Best Regards

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Il 03/02/2016 08:48, Thomas Francart ha scritto:

Please find attached a 3-pages document describing a citation use-case in the context of LegalCiteM + ELI, in the light of what Fabio described during the last meeting.
It tries to explore the connection between ELI & LegalCiteM, illustrates the difference between references and identifiers, and raises some - I hope interesting - questions. Feedback from the group on the use-case described and how ELI tries to solve it would be very valuable.

If possible, I would like to go through this document during our call.

Talk to you later today

2016-02-02 22:58 GMT+01:00 Melanie Knapp <moberlin@gmu.edu>:

Hi All-

When we talk tomorrow, perhaps we can continue our discussion of the attached document.

Thank you. -Melanie


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Associate professor of Legal Informatics 
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I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) 
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Thomas Francart - SPARNA
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Associate professor of Legal Informatics 
School of Law
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