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legalxml-courtfiling-certification message

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Subject: [legalxml-courtfiling-certification] Latest requirements version

Attached is Version 0.5 of the Certification Requirements.  It incorporates changes in response to comments submitted by several people, including Diane Lewis, Dallas Powell, and John Messing.  It does not yet incorporate any changes potentially resulting from Catherine Krause's suggestion that her ad hoc working group be folded into the Certification Subcommittee.


We are almost one month behind my original schedule for submitting the requirements document to public comment.  Please submit any additional comments by the end of this week (October 25).  After that date, I ask Roger Winters to format the draft in standard OASIS format and post it for TC and public comment.  The planned public comment period is two weeks.


One additional editorial comment.  A requirements document is typically much shorter and less detailed than an actual standard or specification.  For example, the W3C XML Signature requirements document is 6 pages, but the actual standard is 82 pages.  I make this obvious remark to remind everyone that any applicable issues being debated around interoperability testing and certification will probably be better dealt with in the details of the actual standard rather than the requirements document, which is high-level, broad and summary.  On the other hand, note that I did add language about conformance levels in the draft.


Finally, any mistakes or misinterpretations of comments in the draft are my responsibility and I appreciate any and all constructive criticism.

Attachment: Certification Requirements3.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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