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Subject: [legalxml-courtfiling] Summary of Boston meeting

Dr. Leff will be producing formal minutes of the meeting shortly, but I
have been asked to provide a quick recap of what transpired for persons
who were not able to be present or to participate by phone.  Please
remember that all decisions made during a face-to-face meeting are
subject to ratification on the TC list.

Please note the following dates on your calendars -- TC conference call
- Tuesday, November 5, 3:00 pm EST.  Additional conference calls are set
tentatively for the same time on January 7th, February 4th, March 4th,
May 6th and June 3d. Next face to face meeting - Las Vegas, Thursday and
Friday, December 12 and 13 (with subcommittee meetings possible on the
afternoon of Wednesday, December 11th).  The spring meeting will be held
in Atlanta on Thursday and Friday, April 17 and 18, 2003 (with possible
subcommittee meetings the day before).  The summer meeting will be held
in conjunction with the NACM annual meeting in DC, July 13 to 17, 2003.
The fall meeting will be held in conjunction with CTC8 in Kansas City
October 27 to 31, 2003.  Dr. Leff is investigating specific dates and
times for the summer and fall TC meetings.  We will conduct conference
calls on both days of future face to face meetings -- on Thursday at
3:00 or 4:00 pm local time (our conference calling contract has a cut
off time in the late afternoon) at the face to face site and on Friday
at 1:00 pm local time at the face to face site.

Moira Rowley has asked to be relieved of the chairmanship of the
CMS-API, Q&R, CDC subcommittee given the challenge of a new assignment
at ACS.  Shane Durham has agreed to take on that assignment, subject to
approval by his superiors at Court Link.  We are deeply indebted to
Moira for her sustained leadership of our group since we began in
October 1999.  We wish her the very best in her new position.

The full committee completed its review and revisions to the Query and
Response Specification and agreed to move it to the "TC proposed
specification" status by November 4th, so that it can be submitted to
the Joint Tech Committee on December 3d.  Shane Durham and Dwight
Daniels will make final edits to reflect the changes made, post the
final document to the list, and bring the matter to closure by November

The full committee also reviewed the Court Document 1.1 DTD and
specification and agreed to move it to the same status, on the same time
frame.  Rolly Chambers will obtain Roger Winters' final edits and make
changes agreed to at the meeting within the next week.  We plan to have
that product finished by November 4th as well.

Shane Durham has agreed to draft the CMS-API specification, following
the structure of the Q&R specification, as soon as he is finished with
the Q&R revisions.  There is a possibility that the CMS-API
specification can be finished on the November 4th schedule, if Shane's
draft does not engender extended debate.

I will set up a meeting of the Joint Standards Development Team of the
National Consortium for State Court Automation Standards for Monday,
November 18th, to review at least the Q&R and Court Document 1.1
specifications for recommendation to the Joint Technology Committee on
December 3d.

The TC reviewed Robin Gibson's proposed criteria for interoperability
testing of the Court Filing 1.1 specification.  I will post a revised
proposal for comment later today.

We plan to move forward aggressively to develop the 2.0 Schema version
of Court Filing.  I will post a list of goals for the 2.0 product, from
which we will define detailed requirements.  That listing will be posted
later today for your comments.

To move our work forward more rapidly, the TC agreed to have monthly
conference calls.  The first such call has been scheduled for 3:00 pm
EST on Tuesday, November 5.

California has announced that it has hired Todd Vincent to develop a
California-specific electronic filing Schema over the next two years --
integrating all of the components that we have developed separately,
fully articulating the underlying architecture, and conducting its own
interoperability tests of the resulting product.  It will do this work
in two phases -- a core product within 8 months, followed by a 6 months
interoperability test, and a second phase focused on pleadings and forms
during the following year.  It will provide the TC with the results of
its work for our consideration in developing national standards.  The
co-chairs will contact California to urge that the state reconsider its
decision to conduct this development effort outside of the TC process.

We reviewed Don Bergeron's recent draft of the Court Filing Policy
requirements document and his unofficial note.  Khaleel Thotti is
reviewing the various 1.1 specifications to create a detailed inventory
of data elements that will need to be defined or delimited in Court
Filing Policy; he will have that task completed by the end of the year.
We agreed that Court Filing Policy will be integrated into the 2.0
Schema version of Court Filing, not into the 1.1 DTD version.  The
requirements document will be subjected to one more week's review before
it is considered a final TC product.

Don Bergeron will work with the CMS-API subcommittee in refining and
more fully articulating the underlying architectural assumptions on
which TC electronic filing specifications are based.  We have not
revisited the very basic architecture that we defined several years
ago.  Don will submit his model to the OXCI group for its comments and
recommendations and to the full TC.

We discussed the GTRI-supported Justice XML Data Dictionary Schema.
Greg Arnold and Robin Gibson will be representing us at a major meeting
later this week in Atlanta.  Several members have volunteered to help
them.  We welcome others interested in this effort to work with Greg and

Rolly Chambers and I have agreed to develop a normalized list of roles
for the GTRI effort.  We will post our candidate list for comments,
revisions and additions.

Dr. Leff and I will conduct a special test of the use of the Court
Document 1.1 DTD for orders of protection, working with a subcommittee
of the Integrated Justice TC interested in that topic.

The Trusted Repository Subcommittee will be placed on hold for the time
being.  NIST has been identified as the repository for federal
government standards.  Several bills are pending in Congress addressing
automation standards, including structured mark up language standards,
and Diane Lewis will be monitoring those developments before we explore
the issue independently.

I appreciate the efforts of our host, Dan Greenwood, in arranging
meeting space and a conference telephone calling capability for us, and
Dr. Leff's efforts in otherwise coordinating the meeting.  Thanks to
everyone who participated in person or by conference telephone call.

John M. Greacen
Greacen Associates, LLC.
18 Fairly Road
Santa Fe, NM  87507

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