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Subject: [legalxml-enotary] Draft minutes of the First Meeting

Draft Minutes, 9/19/02 TC telephonic meeting
Present were:
Manoj Srivastava, manoj@infomosaic.com, Infomosaic Corporation   
Pieter Kasselman, pkasselman@baltimore.com, Baltimore Technologies
Daniel J. Greenwood, dang@mit.edu, Individual member
Rolly L. Chambers, rlchambers@justice.com, Individual member
Charles Gilliam, Charles.Gilliam@contentguard.com, ContentGuard.Inc.
John Messing, jmessing@law-on-line.com, Individual member
Roger Winters, Roger.Winters@metrokc.gov, Washington State Courts   
Dr. Laurence Leff, D-Leff@wiu.edu, individual member
Eric Cohen, eric.e.cohen@us.pwcglobal.com, individual member
Ram Austryjak Moskovitz, ram@verisign.com, VeriSign
Jerry Johnson, jerry.johnson@dir.state.tx.us, Texas Department of Information Resources
Absent were:
Krishna Sankar, ksankar@cisco.com, Cisco Systems
Patrick Crisfulla, patrick.crisfulla@renp.com, Lexis-Nexis
Robert Zuccherato, robert.zuccherato@entrust.com, Entrust Technologies
Decisions and discussions:

Roger and Manoj will be the TC joint editors and will coordinate their efforts.
Eric Cohen will be the note taker for TC meetings except when logistics make this impossible.
OASIS TC procedures and rules were reviewed. The TC Charter was unanimously adopted.
It was decided by consensus that an outreach effort will be undertaken to determine which other groups to liasion with,
including groups outside of OASIS and owners or holders of proprietary solutions that may have a relation to the goals as set
forth in the Charter.
A proposal to form a CALEA subgroup will be vetted by Manoj, RAM, John acting as a workgroup. On the one hand, concern was
expressed about CALEA overwhelming the work of the TC. On the other hand, it was felt that the CALEA effort might be useful
for the TC to examine and study as an example. Some members felt the work of CALEA was directly within the scope of the
Charter. An attempt will be made to present goals of a CALEA subgroup to the TC in the format of a TC Charter for review and
In principle, a joint Face to Face meeting with one or more ABA committees is desirable and should be pursued.
With regard to the substantive work of the group, a discussion was had on an appropriate way to begin. One proposal was made
to prioritize and identify requirements. Another suggestion was made that the work should be content-centric rather
system-centric, meaning that different types of content might have different requirements and a systematic general approach
may be less desirable.
Unanimous consensus emerged for the rapid development of several illustrative narrative scenarios dealing with authentication
needs for further discussion, which could include evidentiary considerations, though it was agreed that the work of the TC
was much broader than just evidentiary rules for electronic documents in court cases.
Pieter, RAM, Rolly, Roger, Dr. Leff, Dan, John agreed to begin a discussion on the list of various scenarios to which the TC
could contribute as a committee of the whole.
Dan Greenwood reported on the National Notary Conference and a Model Notary Act, Art. III which he felt could also contribute
to our consideration of electronic notarizations involving human notaries.
The next telephonic meeting will be held on Oct. 17 @ 1 PM EDT.
Please post corrections, amendments, etc. to the list.

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