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legalxml-intjustice message

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Subject: [legalxml-intjustice] Development of Object Repository


I'm a new member to this list, so a brief introduction is in order.  My 
name is Matthew MacKenzie, and I am a partner in a firm whose specialty 
is helping public sector organizations and private sector companies to 
develop products and services, with a focus on organizations delivering 
justice, security, intelligence and public safety solutions.  Prior to 
this, I co-founded XML Global Technologies (OTC: XMLG), a leading 
provider of XML Middleware technologies.  I've been working within 
OASIS and UN/CEFACT for a few years now, most notably on ebxml 
registry, ebxml messaging (current technical editor) and the UN/CEFACT 
eBusiness Architecture team.  I've also played a significant role in 
developing a test architecture for ebXML technology within the 
ebxml-iic TC.

I was reading the OASIS page on SEARCH.org today, and the term "Object 
Repository" popped right out at me.  Can someone summarize the 
discussions and conclusions related to this particular topic for me?  
It seems to me that ebxml-registry would be an excellent technology 
choice for this, and if there is agreement on this statement I would be 
happy to put together a prototype using a registry available to me.


Matthew MacKenzie
Partner, SigmaLogic Associates
(individual OASIS member)

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