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Subject: RE: [legalxml-intjustice] Development of Object Repository

Matthew, we are happy to welcome you to the OASIS Integrated Justice Technical Committee. Since June 2001, Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) has been working with the members of the Integrated Justice Technical Committee (formerly the LegalXML Integrated Justice Working Group)to develop a Justice XML Data Dictionary Schema (JXDDS).  In May 2002, this work was undertaken and continued by the XML Structure Task Force (XSTF), a subcommittee of the Global Infrastructure Standards Working Group (ISWG), with GTRI continuing as contractor.  Source data reviewed to develop the JXDDS Version 3.0 includes, but is not limited to, the Global ISWG Reconciliation Data Dx, the Minnesota CriMNet data dx & schema, the InfoTech data dx & schema, the SEARCH Justice Information Exchange Model data sets & elements, the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) data elements, NCIC 2000 data dx & code tables, and the NIBRS incident report schema.  Members of the Task Force working with GTRI have included the NCSC, MN CriMNet, the LA County Sheriff's Department, and SEARCH. 

GTRI gave a presentation on the JXDDS 3.0 at the ISWG December 2002 meeting. As of that time, the XSTF and GTRI have developed several core objects (PERSON, ORGANIZATION, LOCATION, CONTACT INFORMATION, and PROPERTY), and have begun to work on special objects (ACTIVITY and METADATA). The Activity Objects are estimated to eventually comprise 60% of the JXDDS. The JXDDS 3.0 is the XML rendering of the dictionary.  In the future, it is anticipated that there will be a Resource Description Framework (RDF) rendering of the dictionary.  The JXDDS refers both to the schema and the [document] instances. During the ISWG meeting, GTRI demonstrated four reengineered xml instances, using the core and special objects developed to date: (1) Uniform Incident Report; (2) Rap Sheet; (3) Driver History; and (4) Sentencing Order.  Please refer to GTRI's XSTF website for its December 2002 presentations to ISWG and the current rendering of the JXDDS 3.0.  http://xstfuser:opensesame@justicexml.gtri.gatech.edu/xstf/ . We`will also be posting this link to the SEARCH Justice XML website, which we have tried to create as a resource for justice practitioners, providing the history and links to some of the many Justice XML sources noted above. 

Your comments about the ebXML registry are timely and well taken. The ISWG and its subcommittees are considering options for recommendations to the Office of Justice Programs (OJP)in developing operational guidelines for a Justice Information Sharing (JIS) Registry to provide access to the JXDDS.  The ebXML registry specification was referred to during the December 2002 IWSG meeting as a specification meeting the many of the needs of the Justice and Public Safety community.  The subcommittees are currently reviewing this specification and other options for developing a JIS Registry.  Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss further, or send comments through the list.  

Catherine Plummer
Justice Information Systems Specialist
SEARCH, The National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics
916.392.2550/FX 916.392.8440

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew MacKenzie [mailto:matt@mac-kenzie.net]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 9:52 AM
To: legalxml-intjustice@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [legalxml-intjustice] Development of Object Repository


I'm a new member to this list, so a brief introduction is in order.  My 
name is Matthew MacKenzie, and I am a partner in a firm whose specialty 
is helping public sector organizations and private sector companies to 
develop products and services, with a focus on organizations delivering 
justice, security, intelligence and public safety solutions.  Prior to 
this, I co-founded XML Global Technologies (OTC: XMLG), a leading 
provider of XML Middleware technologies.  I've been working within 
OASIS and UN/CEFACT for a few years now, most notably on ebxml 
registry, ebxml messaging (current technical editor) and the UN/CEFACT 
eBusiness Architecture team.  I've also played a significant role in 
developing a test architecture for ebXML technology within the 
ebxml-iic TC.

I was reading the OASIS page on SEARCH.org today, and the term "Object 
Repository" popped right out at me.  Can someone summarize the 
discussions and conclusions related to this particular topic for me?  
It seems to me that ebxml-registry would be an excellent technology 
choice for this, and if there is agreement on this statement I would be 
happy to put together a prototype using a registry available to me.


Matthew MacKenzie
Partner, SigmaLogic Associates
(individual OASIS member)

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