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Subject: Call for Participation in the XML.org Focus Group

Dear XML Community,

In an effort to continuously improve and enhance XML.org as valuable
resource and meeting place for the global XML community, we are calling on
you to volunteer your time to participate in a focus group that will help
the management staff and the Advisory Committee of XML.org better understand
what the XML.org community-at-large wants and needs out of XML.org.

Volunteers will be asked to answer a series of specific questions like:

Name the top 3 reasons why you visit XML.org?
What 3 things do you not like about at XML.org?
What 3 things is XML.org not providing you?

We plan on selecting 30 volunteers from diverse backgrounds, industries and
locations.  The XML.org management staff and XML.org Advisory Committee are
planning on hosting a face-to-face meeting for the Focus Group to discuss
the results at the XML 2001 conference in Florida in December.

How to volunteer?
Please reply to leo.kraunelis@xml.org and include your name, title, company,
country and e-mail address.  Within a few weeks we will finalize the
selection of the Focus Group.

XML.org provides the XML community with an unbiased forum and clearinghouse
where developers, technologist, business people, standard groups and
companies can publicly submit, publish and exchange information,
specifications, DTDs, schemas, resources, news, events, white papers, etc.
relating to XML and XML-based services.  By providing the XML community with
a non-commercial resource for XML information, XML.org serves as an
essential piece of the XML infrastructure and community.  From its
inception, XML.org has been a consensus-based effort to ensure
interoperability with existing and emerging XML initiatives.  Our overriding
mission is to accelerate the global utilization and adoption of XML by
providing an open and not-for-profit XML industry portal that brings
together all members of the XML community-at large.

Thank you in advance for volunteering your time to help out XML.org and the
XML community at large.

Leo Kraunelis
General Manager, XML.org
Phone:   978-667-5115 #203
Cell:       978-239-3157
e-Mail:    leo.kraunelis@xml.org

XML.org's mission is to accelerate the global utilization and adoption of
XML and to foster global convergence and collaboration within the XML
community.  Our corporate sponsors are: IBM, SAP, ORACLE, Documentum,
SoftQuad, Altova, GE Global eXchange Services and XML-Journal.

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