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Subject: [OASIS members] Last Call for Board nominations

OASIS Members:


Nominations for election of the OASIS Board of Directors close 5 June at midnight, EDT.




Nominations by OASIS member organizations should be submitted by the

organization's OASIS voting representative by 12:00 midnight EDT on 5

June 2002 to nominations@oasis-open.org. Nominations can be submitted by the voting representative of any Organizational member of OASIS (Contributor or Sponsor members)  The nomination statement can be a simple statement indication your organizations desire to nominate your candidate to the election.




The nominee must submit an acceptance letter for the benefit of the voting membership. The

acceptance letter should include

- A short biography and a statement describing the nominee's interest

in and qualifications for serving on the Board.

- Additional information, such as thoughts about OASIS' future, ideas

for technical activities, and suggestions for business development

initiatives or strategic partnerships. This letter will be your

primary vehicle to  help the membership know your vision for the future of the


- A statement that the nominee has support from their management to

devote approximately 10-20% of their time to OASIS Board activities,

and is able to travel to attend face-to-face meetings approximately

quarterly at their employer's or their own expense.


If the acceptance letter is not received at the

nominations@oasis-open.org address by the close of the nomination

period the nomination will be considered to have been withdrawn.


Nominees must be prepared, if elected to the Board, to attend the

First meeting of the new Board on 31 July - 1 August in the Boston, MA USA area.


Members will be able to review the list of nominees and their

Acceptance letters on the OASIS website. The OASIS voting representative of each

OASIS member organization will cast a ballot for those individuals

They believe will best provide strategic leadership to the organization for

the next two years.




The schedule for nominations and elections is as follows:


   1 May:   Nominations open

  5 June:   Nominations close at 12 midnight EDT; nominee

            information will be posted on the OASIS web page

            by the end of the week.

 10 June:   Voting begins; votes will be submitted via a web form

 30 June:   Voting ends at 12 midnight EDT

 10 July:   Results announced

1 August:   New Board seated on second day of Board meeting



Scott McGrath

Member Services Manager


+1 978 667 5115  (US & Int’l Voice)

+1 978 667 5114  (US and Int’l Fax)





PO Box 455

Billerica, MA  01821


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