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Subject: OASIS News: 24 April 2006

24 April 2006

Welcome to OASIS News, a weekly update of announcements,
accomplishments, and activities for the international standards 

BCM Becomes Newest OASIS Standard

Consortium members voted to ratify the Business-Centric Methodology
(BCM) v1.0 as an OASIS Standard. BCM defines methods to acquire
interoperable e-business information systems within communities of
interest. Congratulations to members of the OASIS BCM TC, and thanks to
all who participated in the review and balloting process.


Symposium Adds Poster Sessions

For the first time, poster sessions will be included in the OASIS
Symposium, which will be held 9-12 May in San Francisco. Poster sessions
will provide a forum for participants to highlight and share their
information and to receive technical advice from other attendees. Poster
topics include "Applying DITA Across the Enterprise," "Open Source, Open
Standard e-Government Exchange Services," "Supercharging the ebXML
Registry with XML Persistence and Management," "Interoperability of Web
Services Between J2EE and .NET: Value of WS-I Basic Profile,"
"Representational Issues for Scientific Units of Measure and
Quantities," "Information Interoperability in DoD Logistics
Contracting," and "Department of Defense Standards Interoperability -
Past, Present, and Future."

OASIS Declares T-Shirt Day in San Francisco

Members are encouraged to show support for their favorite open standard
by wearing an OASIS shirt, cap, or other gear to the Annual General
Meeting on Wednesday, 10 May, in San Francisco. Prizes will be awarded
to the most represented OASIS Standard. Order member gear at

OASIS Welcomes New Sponsors

* Vasont Systems (www.vasont.com) is a provider of content management
software and data services. The company is committed to helping
organizations of all sizes publish multilingual technical documentation,
product manuals, and other business information in the most efficient
and effective way.

* Courthouse News Service (www.courthousenews.com) is a news wire for
lawyers. It is comprised of a network of correspondents who provide
daily comprehensive reports on new appellate rulings, new legislation,
and new civil cases from the federal and state courts.  

Consortium Seeks Computer Projector Donations

To better support face-to-face Committee meetings at the Symposium,
Forum, and other events, OASIS is seeking donations of computer
projectors. Renting projectors at hotels and conferences can cost
upwards of 1,000 USD per day for each TC. If your organization can offer
a used computer projector or funds to purchase a projector, or if you
can extend a company-discount on projectors, please contact
events@oasis-open.org. All donations will be acknowledged in OASIS News
and on the Consortium web site.


The following events are co-sponsored by OASIS:

9-12 May
OASIS Symposium
San Francisco, CA, USA

16-18 May
Palm Springs, CA, USA

16-18 May
GridWise Expo
Palm Springs, CA, USA

16-18 May
M2M Expo and Conference
Palm Springs, CA, USA

9-14 June
3rd European Semantic Web Conference
Budva, Montenegro

CABA Intelligent Buildings Leadership Forum
25-27 June
Dallas, TX, USA

23-28 July
XML Summer School
University of Oxford, UK

24-28 July
GeoWeb 2006
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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