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Subject: Notes from the OASIS ODF TC meeting


We discussed ODF v1.1 at the OASIS ODF TC meeting earlier today. 

One question that came up was the importance of having OASIS vote on 
v1.1 (thus making it an OASIS standard; vs. it simply being an ODF TC 
standard).  The general sense was that while this would save 1 month, 
and perhaps be equally useful to implementors (who would likely respect 
it), there is significant communication value to being an OASIS spec.  
Further, this is not a decision we need to make now; so long as we start 
the 60 day public review process within the next couple of weeks we can 
get through the entire OASIS process this calendar year.

We also talked about a possible change in URL in Section E.4, from 
http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/office-accessibility/guidelines for 
our specific page, to a more general 
which other guidelines might share.  Such a URL change is a "minor 
editorial change", and so could happen after the 60-day public review 
(and so there was no need to make that change now).

The group voted to make draft #7 the committee draft for v1.1, to be 
released for public review ASAP.  This should happen after the TC 
minutes are published (tomorrow CET).

Finally, I agreed to provide on our SC behalf text to live at the 
Accessibility Guidelines URL (which as noted above is 
http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/office-accessibility/guidelines.  This 
could be the existing text of Appendix E, or it could be our current 
outline, or some combination of the two.  I'd like your feedback on 
this.  But I'd also like to get this in place ASAP, so we don't publish 
a broken URL.



P.S. turns out I was off by a week - I'll be at (and able to chair) our 
SC meeting this coming Thursday July 27th.  It's the following week that 
I expect to be away...

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