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Subject: RE: [office-collab] change tracking proposal

I’ve uploaded our proposal to the Standards folder of the document section here: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/41520/extended-ct-proposal.odt


Given that both proposals seem to address the majority of the defined use cases, I think it would be useful to have a discussion about the two general approaches that have been suggested before we get too far into the details of markup examples. I agree that analysis of those details is an important step, but first we need to make a higher-level decision regarding the tradeoffs between a new XML-generic approach and an extension of the existing functionality. I think it would be useful to discuss those tradeoffs among SC members, to determine whether we have consensus on either of the two approaches currently on the table.


What do others think? Should we schedule some time to begin that discussion?





From: Robin LaFontaine [mailto:robin.lafontaine@deltaxml.com]
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 5:50 AM
To: office-collab@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [office-collab] change tracking proposal


Doug,  John, cc all

Thanks for getting this proposal to the SC on schedule.

Yes, please do upload to the documents section at
http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-collab/documents.php in the Standards folder
(it does not seem possible to upload documents to our wiki)

We need to have a single way to reference your proposal and the existing one and I suggest:
"extended-ct-proposal" for your proposal to extend the change tracking mechanism
"generic-ct-proposal" for the existing proposal for an xml-generic approach to change tracking
(I think it would be wrong to use company names and potentially confusing to use A and B)

We have some 60 Use Cases and in order to evaluate the proposals we need to see as many of these as possible as worked examples. Please would you look at these and do as many as you can, and upload in a zip to the Use Cases folder:
Any that you are not able to do, please indicate if they are outside the scope of your proposal or just not yet covered. I think it best to add this info to the wiki page so I have made
into a tabular form so for each proposal we can record the status, e.g. 'Completed', 'To Do', 'Out of scope'

It would be useful to do something similar for the wiki page on Requirements so I will add a table to that page also.

Best regards,

On 16/03/2011 19:11, Doug Mahugh wrote:

Attached is a proposal for improving the existing change tracking specification in ODF 1.2, as previously mentioned.  Robin, please let me know if we should upload this to the wiki.


We’re looking forward to discussing this proposal after people have had a chance to take a look. John has pulled together the bulk of this proposal, so he can answer any specific questions about the details.





Doug Mahugh    |    Lead Standards Professional   |   Office Interoperability    |   425-707-1182   |   blogs.msdn.com/dmahugh


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Robin La Fontaine, Director, DeltaXML Ltd  "Change control for XML"
T: +44 1684 592 144  E: robin.lafontaine@deltaxml.com      
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