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Subject: Re: [office-collab] Location of text:tracked-changes element

(Sorry to be slow in replying to this.) In terms of how the GCT proposal works, these are the assumptions:

1. The ODF document is semantically considered to be a single XML file (the single file format) and dividing it into separate parts in a zip is not semantically important as far as change tracking is concerned. The scope of the changes is the whole document.

2. Where the delta:tracked-changes goes is not important, but there must be only one of them
(see 7.2.2 Rule 1) because order of the changes is important (see 3 list item number 5).

The Use case samples are only samples - the subcommittee can decide where to put the
delta:tracked-changes element. Dennis points out there are scope issues for the current text:tracked-changes and where it appears, but there should not be these issues for the GCT proposal.

Hope this helps.

On 13/04/2011 01:33, monkeyiq wrote:
1302654783.1516.95.camel@alkid.localdomain" type="cite">
  In the Generic CT, should text:tracked-changes exist as the first
child of office:text or as a sibling of office:automatic-styles. ie, in
the later perhaps after the automatic styles but before the office:body.

  FWIW the relaxng schema odt-delta.rng 6836 2010-07-30 14:15:03Z nigelw
validates the first case location and not as the second.

  As an aside, I started with using the second placement as it seemed
the ct element related to content inside the office:body. In KOffice gct
it is expected to be inside the office:text (ie, koffice validates
placement ok with the rng schema).

  Although I now have abiword able to place in either/both location and
read from either I thought it best to clarify where exactly it is
desired to have this element appear: inside office:text or at a sibling
level with automatic-styles, or somewhere else?

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Robin La Fontaine, Director, DeltaXML Ltd  "Change control for XML"
T: +44 1684 592 144  E: robin.lafontaine@deltaxml.com      
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