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Subject: Re: [office-formula] Proposal for regularly scheduled meetings

Hi Andreas,

On Tuesday, 2009-07-21 22:06:05 -0600, Andreas J. Guelzow wrote:

> > As discussed in the OpenDocument TC Call on 20-July, I propose that we
> > agree to schedule regular coordination calls for the OpenFormula
> > subcommittee.
> I wouldn't say "discussed" is the right term since it was immediately
> suggested that the subcommittee should discuss this.

Well, we discussed that Eric should send out a proposal to the SC list,
so.. ;-)

> > As much as I like my sleep, it would be nice to make progress on the
> > open issues that are unresolved.
> Personally I doubt that discussing this in a phone meeting rather than
> on this list will result in faster resolution. 

It may help in prioritizing outstanding tasks and issues and schedule
some work.

> > As a starting point, I propose that we alternate Wednesdays with the
> > OIC coordination call.  Specifically that we meet bi-weekly, starting
> > on 5-Aug, 1400 GMT (7am PDT, 10am EDT, 4pm CEST, 10pm China).
> Obviously I would like to be part of those meetings. WHile I would be
> available at that time on 5-Aug and 19-Aug, starting on 2-Sept I will be
> teaching a class at 8:00 am MDT (ie. at the proposed time) on MWTF.
> So I would greatly prefer to alternate with the ODF Adoption TC on
> Tuesdays.

Same time, 14:00 UTC? Fine with me as well.

Robert, could you host the calls?


Automatic string conversions considered dangerous. They are the GOTO statements
of spreadsheets.  --Robert Weir on the OpenDocument formula subcommittee's list.

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