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Subject: Webinars



We are getting very nice numbers for registration for these webinars!


I would like to remind each of you to pass along this information to all blogs, wikis, and event calendars (as appropriate). We have added one more webinar for Friday, 14 December and the registrations have been terrific given the late start.


This is an easy way to gain visibility for all the challenging and fruitful work ahead.


Here is a short description written by Carol Geyer, which is quite easy to distribute:


Open CSA hosts five webinars on the role of SCA in SOA
Beginning 10 Dec, the OASIS Open CSA Member Section will present five webinars
on the Service Component Architecture (SCA) and its role in SOA. SCA 
encompasses a family of royalty-free specifications based on the idea that
business function is provided as a series of services, which can be assembled
together to create solutions that serve a particular business need. SCA
provides a model both for the composition of services and for the creation of
service components, including the reuse of existing application function within
SCA compositions. The webinars are free, but registration is required.


Best regards,

Dee Schur


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