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Subject: Some more requirements


Apart from what we have on the wiki at
http://wiki.oasis-open.org/orms/WorkingDraft, I generally think the
followings are quite popular data point for the reputation purpose.

* Peer Ranking
* Number of Sample
* Actual Data point and Comments

Also, it would be quite useful to cluster those "scores" of different
criteria in one file, e.g.,

<Reputation> </Reputation>

In addition, it would be useful to have parent-child or Summary-Detail
kind of relationship captured among the <Reputation>s.

Also, another point of consideration:
http://wiki.oasis-open.org/orms/WorkingDraft has an ad-hoc reputation XML.
Is it worth considering casting it to Atom or something?

Nat Sakimura (n-sakimura@nri.co.jp)
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
Tel:+81-3-6274-1412 Fax:+81-3-6274-1547

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