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Subject: RE: [pkcs11] Groups - Add KEM APIs to PKCS #11, Trust Objects draft 2

A few more nits in pkcs11_key.pdf (assuming they haven’t already been picked up)



1.2         “CKA_ENCASPULATE” Meaning entry in the table contains “used to in”;

“cipher text” should be one word

1.3.1     talks about a new “secret key object,” but nowhere is the term “shared secret” used; based on the recent draft-housley-lamps-cms-kemri-01, I think it would be wise to make this connection with “standard terminology” somehow;

again “cipher text” should be one word;

“and encapsulate operation” should be “a prior encapsulate operation with the corresponding public key” (or something to that effect);

“the the”


pkcs11_trust_object.pdf: Obvious nits are that fonts are inconsistent in the table of section 1.1.2 and that punctuation in the list of “final attributes” on p. 5 varies as you go down the list; the list might be easier to read as a table.


I did have some substantive suggestions for improving the text from “Applications choose which…” on page 4 through “with the trust object” on p. 5, but lost them in an Acrobat crash! I will try to resurrect that.





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