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Subject: Cap 006 - Effectivity

Title: Cap 006 - Effectivity

Hi Tim,
Subsequent to your email of 28 June and  doing a review of the stuff for DEX 8/1 and I came across this tardy subject still buried in C006 - Effectivity

We addressed this subject in Jan '04 - the subject 'stinks' from a CM viewpoint, maybe alright for furniture and the French.

The configuration_watched_item entity is a key concept to support explicit configuration management. It represents the identification of a particular configuration, i.e., variation of a product_concept. A configuration_watched_item is defined with respect to the product concept, i.e., the class of similar products of which it is a member.

The configuration_watched_item defines a manufacturable end item, or something that is conceived and expected as such. The association between a configuration_watched_item and a corresponding part design is established using an item_design_association. The valid use of component parts for planned units of manufacturing of a particular configuration_watched_item may be specified using configuration effectivity (see below).

NOTE    The entity Configuration_watched_item corresponds to the concept of configuration item defined, in some configuration management standards, as an item subject to configuration management.

Rob Boddington wrote
"The SEDS that we raised against the PDM module: ISO/TS 10303-1056:2003 Configuration item has been addressed

The dreaded configuration watched item has been renamed and re-described as follows:

 4.3.2 Product_configuration  
A Product_configuration is the identification of a Product_concept as a configuration.

NOTE 1   The entity Product_configuration corresponds to the concept of configuration item defined, in some configuration management standards, as an item subject to configuration management.

EXAMPLE    A Product_configuration may represent a component of a contracted product, onto which severe safety rules apply and for which configuration management is therefore particularly controlled.

NOTE 2   A Product_configuration may identify a variation of a Product_concept, an entire Product_concept, or some portion thereof.

NOTE 3   A Product_configuration can be established prior to the existence of a corresponding product.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Product_configuration;
  id : STRING;
  name : STRING;
  description : OPTIONAL STRING;
  item_context : Product_concept;
  corresponding_design : SET[0:1] OF Item_design_association FOR configuration;

Attribute definitions:

id: the identification of the identifier that distinguishes the configuration item.

name: the words by which the configuration item is known.

description: the text which describes the configuration item. The value of the attribute need not be specified.

item_context: the Product_concept that defines the context in which the configuration item has been defined.

corresponding_design: the set of instances of the entity data type Item_design_association that identify products which provide a solution for the configuration item. In this version of the application module, the cardinality of the set shall be not higher than one."

Could you therefore readdress please.




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