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Subject: RE: Representing_parts C002 Issue RBN-9 (the last one for C002!)

Title: RE: Representing_parts C002 Issue RBN-9 (the last one for C002!)

A slight correction to my earlier response:-

the line after item b) should read...

"The latter fact is established through an additional product_related_product_category & related to the first through a product_category_relationship entity."

Note, the product_related_product_category is a subtype of product_category having the additional attribute to relate directly to the Product/Part. In PLCS we do not have this subtype, but instead the product_category is related to the  Product/Part through the product_category_assignment. In addition, the product_category_relationship refered to above is replaced (currently) by the entity product_category_hierarchy.

Hence we may reproduce the basic information by assigning two product_category instances to the Part, one classed as 'Part_category' and the other 'Detail', or 'Assembly'.

I am not aware of any significance of the hierarchy relationship between 'part' and 'detail', other than the fact that 'part' should always the super category rather than the sub category. Currently, there is no way to establish this in PLCS unless the reference data reflects this class hierarchy. e.g. 'Detail', 'Assembly' and 'Standard' (from PDM Schema Usage Guide) should all be subclasses of 'Part_category'.

Comments on this approach?


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