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Subject: OASIS PMRM TC: next steps

Even as we are on the verge of publishing a Committee Draft

of our PMRM deliverable, we need to think ahead to Next Steps.


What the PMRM promises emphatically is that the methodology

can be applied to arbitrary privacy Use Cases and produce

a Privacy Management Analysis (PMA) to varying levels of detail.


So, one direction of immediate pursuit needs to be to

tackle several Use Cases (in parallel; by informal ‘sub-committees’?),

proceeding through the Task-oriented Methodology

and producing PMAs to at least a first level of granularity,

to illustrate the PMRM in real Use Cases.


In this way, we can produce a ‘library’ of Use Case PMAs,

all in the same format. Each could be re-visited later

for deeper levels of detail, if of interest.   


We have partially tackled several Use Cases while developing

the PMRM Methodology. We can go back to those Use Cases

and produce a PMA. Or, subset those Use Cases OR find new ones.


At this stage, the purpose would be to illustrate the PMRM Methodology

and not necessarily to exhaustively render the Use Case.


I feel a trite slogan coming on! Rome wasn’t built in a ….  


Thoughts? (Not on Rome).



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