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Subject: Reminder - Request for Work Plan Contributions for TC Meeting April 14

PMRM TC Members:

Ar our last meeting, we approved the Committee work plan for 2015:

1.   Identify and document where the PMRM is being used in order to establish basis for advancing PMRM from Committee Specification (CS) to Oasis Standard and future ISO or ITU-T standard
2.   Identify areas where substantive improvements to the current CS are needed, such as improving definitions, eliminating inconsistencies, and improving the text.
3.   Complete development of one or two use cases:  smart vehicle charging and possible healthcare related use case
4.   Develop abstract and outline for White Paper, focusing on PMRM as structure for mapping other privacy standards and major best practices documents to the elements of the PMRM model  
5.   Develop and execute an outreach plan

Gershon Janssen is currently working on item 3, Use Case Development and I am actively working on item 5, Outreach, with OASIS, EEMA and KuppingerCole to plan two upcoming events: 

Your input is needed for all the work plan action items, particularly items 1, 2 and 5.  Please submit contributions to the list or bring them for discussion to our next TC teleconference, scheduled for 14 April 2015 at 10AM EDT.

Thanks, and Best regards,

John Sabo,
Chair, PMRM TC

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