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Subject: RE: [pmrm] Death of Michael Willett

Thanks John,

This is sad news indeed -- I've known Michael from way back in the 1990s when he and I attended the Trusted Computing Group. At the time he was still with Seagate. Good guy, will be missing him.



 |   Thomas Hardjono
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From: pmrm@lists.oasis-open.org [pmrm@lists.oasis-open.org] on behalf of Dawn Jutla [dawn.jutla@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2016 6:55 PM
To: John.Annapolis Verizon
Cc: pmrm@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [pmrm] Death of Michael Willett

Dear John:

It is very sad news indeed. I too will remember Michael's clever brain, his many contributions to digital privacy, security, and trust management, his work with you and his leadership and kind encouragement to us all continuing well after his retirement, as well as his enjoyment and pride in his family and arrival of his grandchildren. His fourth grandchild being born a few months ago - Eleanor Grace Willett.  At that time Michael had also mentioned the fullness of his life and the fun he was having practising his profession saying he was having adventures with promoting self-encrypting storage and his consulting @ www.drivetrust.com<http://www.drivetrust.com>.

We will remember Dr. Willett with deep appreciation. Deepest condolences to his beloved family.


On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 10:12 AM, John.Annapolis Verizon <john.annapolis@verizon.net<mailto:john.annapolis@verizon.net>> wrote:
PMRM TC Members,

I am very sorry to report the recent death of our colleague and founding PMRM TC member Dr. Michael Willett.  Michael was a major contributor to both versions of the PMRM, and co-editor of PMRM v1.0CS01.  He was also an editor for the predecessor ISTPA PMRM, which was contributed by the ISTPA for development of our specification.

Many of you knew Michael for his leadership in development of the PMRM and his active and informed contributions at our many committee meetings and work sessions.  He will be missed.

An obituary and information about his funeral are available at http://obits.dignitymemorial.com/dignity-memorial/obituary.aspx?n=Michael-Willett&lc=4233&pid=183215562&mid=7223943


John Sabo, CISSP

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