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Subject: OpenSPML 2.0 Toolkit v1.0 is available.

Hi All,

Good news - v1.0 of the toolkit is ready.  You can find it at 
http://www.openspml.org.  Follow the links for the download.

What's new since rc3?

* Example Provider *

We've added a new .jar (and source) to the distribution that includes a 
example Provider that implements the Core of SPML 2.0 in front of a 
(very) simple object store.

Developing this proved to be valuable as it led to a couple of changes 
in the toolkit.

* Toolkit Changes *

First, the DSML profile classes are easier to work with as they now play 
more nicely with the XML Marshallers.

Second, some convenience methods have been added (or made more 
convenient). For example, the convenience method in Extensible that 
finds OpenContentElements of a given class will now look inside adapters 
to see of the delegate matches the class and will include any matches in 
the result.

And of course, a few bug fixes have been committed.

* Summing Up *

We're calling this 1.0.  There's more coming in the future, if you have 
any ideas, feedback, complaints, etc, send them to 
toolkit-discuss@openspml.org.  (Yes, the email list is up and running.)


Kent Spaulding

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