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Subject: Agenda for Conference Call - June 22

Proposed Agenda for Conference Call Meeting - June 22, 2001  (This meeting will address administrative issues - a necessity.)

.5 - Review the agenda - any additional items?

1.  List of meeting participants
        For some of you, this will be your third meeting and you will have voting rights at the next meeting.
        For some of you (those who have missed the last two meetings), your attendance at this meeting will determine whether you maintain      your voting rights.

2. Review minutes of last meeting. http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/regrep/minutes/minutes-06-08.pdf

3. Meeting process decisions - The TC needs to make some decisions regarding our operating procedures for holding meetings with less than a quorum, and our operating procedures for maintaining voting rights.
        1. Meetings without quorums
        2. Rules for voting rights.

4. TC webpage - I will be adding the following to the Registry TC's webpage
        1. List of members with voting status
        2. Documents used as input (OASIS draft, ebXML RIM, ebXML RS)
        3. TC's base documents - these are the ebXML version 1.0 documents with a new cover to reflect ownership by this TC
                1. OASIS/ebXML Registry TC - RIM version 1.0 - Draft
                2. OASIS/ebXML Registry TC - RS version 1.0 - Draft

        My goal with # 2 above is to recognize the three documents that will be used as input and FREEZE them. 
        My goal with # 3 above is to provide the TC with its starting draft documents.

5. We will need volunteers to serve as liaisons for the groups identified in the Charter.

6. We will need volunteers to serve as document editors.  We will need at least two volunteers.

7. Process for proposals for new functionality and for revision to drafts. - My goal is to have a well-defined and fair process under which the TC can operate.  We have many new members, many new ideas, and many old ideas flagged for post-Vienna.  We need a process that allows us to fairly present our ideas, discuss them, act on them, and vote on them.    I'll present my ideas to you.

8. The issues list. - the issues list is pretty ugly at this point.   I'd like to start a new issues list.  The issues that were resolved before or at the Vienna meeting will be moved (and put on the website) to a separate list.  Then the owners of the living issues can 'move' their issues to the new list by resubmitting them.    ....We'll discuss more at the meeting.

Call-in details can be found at:  http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/regrep

Looking for to speaking with you all,


Lisa Carnahan
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Information Technology Laboratory
100 Bureau Drive Stop 8970
Gaithersburg, Md. 20899
301-975-3362 voice
301-948-6213 fax

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