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Subject: [relax-ng-comment] Re: Mixing patterns and (empty) tags

"Embedded Schematron Rules in RELAX-NG" was supported by VBRELAXNG.


Since it is mounting on a still easy level, at least the following
description can be tried. 

> <element name="example" xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0";>
>    <sch:pattern name="Check the text content" 
> xmlns:sch="http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron";>
>        <sch:rule context="example">
>            <sch:assert test="text()[1] = 'The quick '" >The first text 
> node must be 'The quick '.</sch:assert>
>            <sch:assert test="text()[2] = ' brown fox '" >The second 
> text node must be ' brown fox '.</sch:assert>
>            <sch:assert test="text()[3] = ' jumped over the lazy dog 5 
>times.'">The third text node must be ' jumped over the lazy dog 5 
>            <sch:assert test="normalize-space(.) = 'The quick brown fox 
>jumped over the lazy dog 5 times.'">The whole text must be 'The quick 
>brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 5 times.'.</sch:assert>
>        </sch:rule>
>    </sch:pattern>
>    <interleave>
>        <text/>
>            <element name="a"><empty/></element>
>            <element name="b"><empty/></element>
>            <element name="c"><empty/></element>
>    </interleave>

However, the following corrections are required in VBRELAXNG.

<sch:rule context="example">


<sch:rule context="self::node()">

The relative path which made the present node to be examined the current node 
is specified to be a context attribute. 

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