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sca-bindings message

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Subject: Re: Groups - oasis - New ballot "SCA service wsdlElement pointingto a WSDL service"

After the call finished, I thought of another reason why this should
not be disallowed for services if it is allowed for references.

I think we agreed that this is useful for references.  Where will
the reference get a WSDL file that contains a WSDL service with
multiple ports?  The answer is presumably that either the service
will provide it, or some repository/directory that is accessed by
both the service and reference will provide it.

If the service provides it, it would seem strange that the service
can't specify the WSDL service in a single SCA binding but would
instead need to write a number of SCA bindings, one for each port
of the WSDL service.

More seriously, if the WSDL file is obtained by both the service
and the reference from some other repository/directory, any change
to the ports within the WSDL service would require reconfiguration
of the SCA service to add or subtract bindings, but no change would
be needed to the SCA reference.  This seems extremely inconvenient
and inconsistent.


workgroup_mailer@lists.oasis-open.org wrote:
> OASIS Service Component Architecture / Bindings (SCA-Bindings) TC member,
> A new ballot has been presented to OASIS Service Component Architecture / Bindings (SCA-Bindings) TC.
> To vote on this ballot, go here:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-bindings/ballot.php?id=1674
> Please DO NOT REPLY to this email; instead, vote using the above link.
> The text of this ballot is as follows:
> ---
> "SCA service wsdlElement pointing to a WSDL service"
> Do you think we should define the behaviour of wsdlElement on an SCA service pointing to a WSDL service, and if so, what should the behaviour be?
> - We should disallow this case
> - We should allow this case but say nothing
> - We should allow this case and require the runtime to provide at least one of the ports, possibly more
> - We should allow this case and require the runtime to provide all of the matching ports
> - Other
> ---
> The ballot closes Thursday, 9 April 2009 @ 12:00 ET.  Please vote before then by visiting:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-bindings/ballot.php?id=1674
> Thank you,
> OASIS Open Administration

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