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Subject: Conformace point highlight color

There has been some discussion over the past few weeks about the color highlighting of the conformance points in several of the TCs.  To summarize the key points of the discussion:

- Without the highlighting, it is not clear in the PDF version of document what the extent of the conformance point text is (it shows up with grey shading in Word but this is not carried over to the generated PDF).  One of the TAB members remarked favorably on the highlighting of the Assembly spec in his review of the C++ spec.
- The current highlight color can make the text  hard to read in some environments, especially when the highlighted content includes added text that is displayed in a different color.  This will not be as big a concern when we are done working on the documents, but is a problem for us in the mean time.
- The current color is rather intense.

I have prepared a test version of the C spec, which currently does not have the highlighting, showing 6 different highlight color options (the original yellow, plus 5 others)  The best place to look at the samples is Appendix F (pages 109-112).  Here you can see the colors with and without added text in them.  I have also converted the sample to PDF to show what that would look like (links do not work).


I offer this up to start an e-mail discussion about what highlighting color people prefer.  My preference is the light yellow used for C20006 and C20014.  It shows well but does not seem to clash as badly with red marking for added text.

Bryan Aupperle, Ph.D.
STSM, WebSphere Enterprise Platform Software Solution Architect

Research Triangle Park,  NC
+1 919-254-7508 (T/L 444-7508)
Internet Address: aupperle@us.ibm.com



sca-ccni-1.1-spec-cd03-rev2-test FINAL.pdf

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