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Subject: [security-jc] RE: Meeting Agenda

Hello everyone,

I have secured a room at the RSA conference,
http://www.rsaconference.net/rsa2003/, see email below:

"Regarding the meeting room, your organization can meet in the room that
are using for the press conferences from 12:15 pm to 1:45 p.m. on
April 16th.  The current plan is to set up the room class room style.
this is the lunch hour, I would recommend providing lunch (buffet or
lunch -- considering the room set up; boxed would be easier)."

It looks like about $750 for approximately 30 for a boxed lunch. I don't
know if this is enough time actually. Please let me know if any of you
are interested in meeting here.

You can also have a room at:

XML Web Services One in Santa Clara, 3-6 March--

Web Services Edge in Boston, 18-20 March--

Remember, it isn't required that you order meals.

Please let me know if any of you are interested in meeting at these
events so I can reserve the room.
Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: dee schur [mailto:dee.schur@oasis-open.org]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 2:17 PM
To: karl.best@oasis-open.org; security-jc@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Meeting Agenda


Here is a review of the events that I mentioned. We have very good
relationships with both of the first two and they have agreed to supply
OASIS with meeting space.

XML Web Services One in Santa Clara, 3-6 March--

Web Services Edge in Boston, 18-20 March--

Software Development was mentioned as well. We have worked with them in
the past and I would be happy to ask them about meeting space--see
http://www.sdexpo.com/2003/west/, SD Expo West in Santa Clara on 24-28

Lastly, RSA holds a security conference that has a wonderful reputation
and I have recently made contact with the organizer. See:
http://www.rsaconference.net/rsa2003/launch.asp?gotomenu=3. PKI has
exhibited in the past. Does this hold interest for anyone?

Feel free to contact me at your convenience.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [security-jc] Meeting Agenda
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:19:32 -0500
From: "Phillip H. Griffin" <phil.griffin@asn-1.com>
Organization: http://asn-1.com
To: "[OASIS SJC]" <security-jc@lists.oasis-open.org>

Attached is a proposed meeting agenda and call in information.
Be hearing you at one.


Proposed Agenda for Tuesday, November 26, 2002 1 pm EST SJC Meeting

Dial-in Number: +1 512-225-3050
Conference ID:  84759#

Call sponsor - OASIS

  1. Call meeting to order

  2. Introductions

  3. Darran Rolls to please take meeting minutes

  4. Approve proposed agenda

  5. TAB update - Krishna
     - TAB granted permission to work more closely with TCs?
     - Other

  6. Coordinated SJC member F2F meetings

     XML Conference and Exposition 2002
     OASIS Party in Baltimore - Karl

     ACTION: JC members to provide preferred date (based on
     feedback from TC) for a TC meeting to meet coincident
     the proposed dates and for the Security JC meeting.
     Proposed dates are: week of March 24 2003 or March
     10-14 2003. Also include the number of people who are
     likely to attend from your TC as well as geographic
     preference (east or west coast US). In addition,
     volunteers for hosting and/or sponsoring will be

     TC reports:
       - Preferred dates? (3/24 or 3/10 week)
       - Number attending?
       - Geographic preference?
       - Interest expressed in hosting?

     Suggestions for follow up?

  7. SJC Deliverables - Darran

     Charter commitment 1
     To promote the use of consistent security terms and
     definitions in TC work

     Proposed implementation
     - Start an SJC glossary of security terms
     - Draft new or otherwise reference existing terms
     - Publish this on the SJC site

     Charter commitment 2
     To promote re-use

     Proposed implementation
     - Design a small web based repository to hang of the SJC site
     - Issue a call to member TC's to submit "re-usable elements"
     - Setup review model JC members
     - As accepted, reference "re-usable elements" in SJC re-use repo

     Charter commitment 3
     Champion an OASIS Security Standards Reference Model

     Proposed implementation
     - Decide level of detail for the proposed model
     - Someone submit a draft
     - Review through committee process
     - Publish on the SJC site

  8. Other business

  9. Adjourn

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Karl F. Best
Vice President, OASIS
+1 978.667.5115 x206
karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org

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