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Subject: [security-services] Core 22 draft

Title: [security-services] SAML core editors: an item to put into doc
    Attached are the core22 draft and the corresponding schemas.
    The draft is complete with the exception of the non-normative section 1.3. I could not track down a version of the requirements doc that had language suitable for cut and paste and I said I would finish this before the end of the year.
    The major changes to note:
    Added with minor changes to reflect change to assertion structure
    Removed single and multiple statement assertions and converted into one assertion package as agreed at F2F
    Added as discussed
    Added as agreed
AuthorizationDecision Statement/Query
    Both are now DECISION
Confirmation method identifiers
    Have been defined
Action identifiers
    Have been defined
    Have been considerably extended
    I spent some considerable time going through the disparate records to identify agreed on changes. If your favorite change is not there then say so. In particular if your name is not in the credits and you think it should be then now is your time to say. I compiled the list by adding the people who spoke at the last F2F to the previous list.

Phillip Hallam-Baker (E-mail).vcf



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- edited with XML Spy v4.0 U beta 3.1 build Aug 27 2001 (http://www.xmlspy.com) by Phillip Hallam-Baker (Phillip Hallam-Baker) -->
<schema targetNamespace="http://www.xmltrustcenter.org/schema/xtaml-01.xsd" xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" xmlns:saml="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/security/docs/draft-sstc-schema-assertion-18.xsd" xmlns:xtaml="http://www.xmltrustcenter.org/schema/xtaml-01.xsd" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="unqualified">
	<import namespace="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/security/docs/draft-sstc-schema-assertion-18.xsd" schemaLocation="draft-sstc-schema-assertion-18.xsd"/>
	<import namespace="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd"/>
	<simpleType name="ValidityStatusType">
		<restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="Valid"/>
			<enumeration value="Invalid"/>
			<enumeration value="Indeterminate"/>
	<element name="KeyDelegationAssertion" type="xtaml:KeyDelegationAssertionType" substitutionGroup="saml:AbstractStatement"/>
	<complexType name="KeyDelegationAssertionType">
			<extension base="saml:StatementAbstractType">
					<element name="MasterKey" type="xtaml:KeyBindingType"/>
					<element name="DelegateKey" type="xtaml:KeyBindingType"/>
					<element ref="xtaml:Constraints"/>
	<element name="Constraints" type="xtaml:ConstraintsType"/>
	<complexType name="KeyBindingType">
			<element ref="ds:KeyInfo"/>
	<complexType name="ConstraintsType">
		<attribute name="MaximumChainLength" type="integer"/>
	<element name="MetaAssertion" type="xtaml:MetaAssertionType" substitutionGroup="saml:AbstractStatement"/>
	<complexType name="MetaAssertionType">
			<extension base="saml:StatementAbstractType">
					<element ref="xtaml:Declare" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	<element name="Declare" type="xtaml:DeclareType"/>
	<complexType name="DeclareType">
		<attribute name="ValidityStatus" type="xtaml:ValidityStatusType"/>
		<attribute name="First" type="anyURI"/>
		<attribute name="Last" type="anyURI"/>
		<attribute name="Terminal" type="boolean"/>
	<element name="VerificationCondition" type="xtaml:VerificationConditionType" substitutionGroup="saml:AbstractStatement"/>
	<complexType name="VerificationConditionType">
			<extension base="saml:StatementAbstractType">
				<attribute name="location" type="anyURI"/>




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