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security-services message

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Subject: [security-services] editorial comments on bindings-08

1. "SOAP Profile for SAML" vs. "SOAP Profile of SAML"
Do folks have a preference? Different versions have ping-ponged between the
2. Section 2.1 mandates the provision of a URI and e-mail address for each
binding and
profile. This is currently missing in the text and needs to be added to the
and each Profile. The intent here is that the URI provides an unambiguous
way to 
reference a binding/profile. This is specially useful, if and when, there
are a larger number
of published bindings and profiles. 
The relevant e-mail address for the "official bindings"
and profiles would seem to be the OASIS SSTC mailing list (the e-mail
address for comments
on the documents as a whole). This would ensure that issues discovered
deployment and implementation, as well as any new requirements for
individual bindings/profiles 
have a home.
- prateek

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