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Subject: Groups - SOA-EERP Inaugural TC Meeting modified

Meeting minutes submitted for August 6 SOA-EERP TC Teleconference. Look in
meeting notes minutes section. They will also be posted as a TC document.

The next teleconference will be September 4, 8:30pm (US Eastern/New York)
and September 5, morning, Beijing time.

bill cox

 -- Mr. William Cox*

SOA-EERP Inaugural TC Meeting has been modified by Mr. William Cox*

Date:  Wednesday, 06 August 2008
Time:  09:00pm - 10:00pm ET

Event Description:
First meeting of the OASIS Service-Oriented Architecture End-to-End Resource Planning (SOA-EERP) TC. 

Conference call by FreeConferenceCall.com 
Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1601 
Access Code: 168837#

http://wiki.oasis-open.org/staff-stds-wiki/FirstMeeting (selected parts of the full agenda listed there

Serious conferencing problems. Actual start of meeting approximately 9:25pm EDT.

Roll Call taken; attendance is in meeting notes, plus Mary McRae and James Bryce Clark of OASIS. Guo Wei 

and Ken Wang also attended.

James Bryce Clark of OASIS chaired the first portion of the meeting.

Nominations for Chair/Co-Chair.

Andy Lee nominated Bill Cox, who accepted the nomination.
Bill Cox nominated Andy Lee, who accepted the nomination.
Jamie asked for other nominations; hearing none, asked for objections. Bill Cox and Andy Lee were elected 

co-chairs by unanimous consent.

Andy: thanks for taking time to attend this EERP first meeting. This work has been going on in China and the 

US for a while. We are understanding the importance of this subject; I deeply appreciate the participation of the 

members.  Your attention is gratifying. I hope this TC will create some interesting results for the enterprise 

application, and for potential use in the eCommerce area.

Jamie: The OASIS method is for members to self-administer their meetings. A few things to mention.

Everyone needs to be aware of four resources:

(1) The Oasis TC process - governs the committe (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php). The 

TC may use strict rules and voting; steps for advance of specification require formal votes. Mary McRae is the 

administrator of the process.

(2) OASIS IPR Policy (http://www.oasis-open.org/who/intellectualproperty.php). Very important to ensure that 

the work you produce is widely available to the world, so there are not sticky license or other IPR work. 

Agreed to make your work available on specific royalty-free terms. You should know your obligation to 

provide those rights, and to tell the world if you have specific conditions; if you have people that work with 

patents and licenses they should help you. The rules work every day without problems.

(3) The most important rule is the TC charter (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/soa-eerp/charter.php): by 

joining  you have agreed to the charter, which was posted. This tells the world what you're doing, and is also 

your boundary. If you were to change your goals, there is a charter amendment process. Read the charter 

carefully, because this is the plan and the agreement.

(4) OASIS provides a web site, document repository, and an email list. Automatically subscribed by every 


Mary gave her greeting as TC Process Administrator; Jamie left, saying "thank you very much; Andy and Bill, 

best of luck."

Bill Cox chaired the rest of the meeting.

Primary business was setting the next meeting time and date.

Andy: can we start to use a Skype chat, instead of voice?. Web conference things will be easier for China.

ACTION: Chairs: arrange for chat (Skype text chat or something else)

Discussion on schedule. Four weeks was chosed for the second meeting. Andy said that he will work with Ken 

Wang on the agenda for the next meeting.

Motion by ??: Next meeting 4 September. Rex Brooks seconds. 

Rex seconds, proposed time. 7:30pm NY/7:30beijing. 

Andy: early for Beijing. 8:30am Beijing better, so people can get to their offices.


Meeting time: informal discussion point: quite a number of US folks as well as from China and Japan; probably 

be better to alternate so one in the morning for US, alternating with morning for East Asia. 

Comment: object -- timing in the US morning may be hard, may be midnight in asia.

ACTION CHAIRS propose TC/ Methods of work, including meetings going forward.

Andy: Call for Secretary. Must be a member; not required to be a voting member.

Secretary: Andy Lee volunteered.

ACTION CHAIRS to determine teleconferencing for next meeting.

Bill Cox called for any other business. None.

Move to Adjourn Carl Mattocks. Andy second Patrick.

Meeting ended 10:10pm EDT.

Meeting minutes by William Cox

View event details:

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PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN
X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar
SUMMARY:SOA-EERP Inaugural TC Meeting
DESCRIPTION:First meeting of the OASIS Service-Oriented Architecture End-to-End
  Resource Planning (SOA-EERP) TC. \n\nConference call by
  FreeConferenceCall.com \nConference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1601
  \nAccess Code: 168837#\n\nGroup: OASIS Service-Oriented Architecture
  End-to-End Resource Planning (SOA-EERP) TC\nCreator: Mary McRae

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