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Subject: SV: [ubl-hisc] hisc input - BasePrice

Looking at the current 2.0 shouldn't BasePrice be removed under Item anyway?
Just under LineItem as per SBS isn't it? Although there is the suggestion to
have AdditionalPrices under Item IIRC.

Bryan Rasmussen

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Bryan Rasmussen [mailto:BRS@itst.dk]
Sendt: 4. april 2006 15:34
Til: ubl-hisc@lists.oasis-open.org
Emne: [ubl-hisc] hisc input - BasePrice

From the output specs
is described as This field is used to specify the unit price of the line

Under the small business subset it seems to me that
/po:Order/cac:OrderLine/cac:LineItem/cac:BasePrice/cbc:PriceAmount is used
for this. I figure I can differentiate from Output on this matter, differ
from SBS, bring the two into cohesion. 

 Bryan Rasmussen 

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