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Subject: Minutes of Pacific L10N call 5|6 April


   Jon Bosak
   Bill Meadows
   Anne Hendry
   Tim McGrath
   Takagi Hasagawa
   Noboru Itoh
   Yukinori Saito
   Patrick Yee

1. Web site and mail list testing

   Message to OASIS (Jamie Clark) from Patrick Yee noted:


   Mr. Itoh reported that he talked to Patrick Gannon today
   regarding problems using Kavi with the Japanese character set.

   We hope for quick resolution of these problems.

2. Calendar review

   We noted this message from Mr. Itoh regarding the China-Japan
   International Joint Forum (CJIJF) to be held 15-16 June 2004 in
   Tokyo and 18 June 2004 in Beijing:


3. Coordination with 1.0 schedule

   We are still planning for release of the UBL 1.0 package by the
   end of April.  As further changes to the spreadsheets are now
   very unlikely, we believe that they can be considered complete
   for purposes of translation.

4. Hong Kong planning

   Everyone should respond by mail today to me and Mark Crawford
   with expected attendance at the meeting 10-14 May in Hong Kong.
   It is OK to bring observers, but we must know your plan in

   The JPLSC will be presenting a report during the opening
   plenary 10 May.  CNLSC will present a brief report, and KRLSC
   should plan the same.

   The l10n SCs will need to meet both together (in order to
   discuss common issues) and separately.  Due to room
   constraints, the separate SC meetings will have to be scheduled
   serially rather than in parallel.  Jon will put together a
   proposed schedule and send it to the l10n mail list for review.

   Jon will also include a preliminary list of agenda items,

    - What items are to be translated and in what form

    - Work plan

    - Documentation

    - Kavi

5. Next conference call

   As 1-5 May is a national holiday in Japan, we will schedule our
   next Pacific L10N conference call for 27 April instead of 4
   May.  This is:

      17h30 Mon 4/26 in San Francisco (daylight time)
      08h30 Tue 4/27 in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Perth
      09h30 Tue 4/27 in Tokyo and Seoul

   We will be using the usual UBL number:

      U.S. domestic toll-free number: (866)839-8145
      Int. access/caller paid number: (865)524-6352
      Access code: 5705229

   Among other things, we will be using this meeting to finalize
   the l10n agenda for the UBL TC meeting in Hong Kong.

6. Other business

   Mr. Saito informed us that he is changing companies and will be
   revising his membership and email address.  His new company
   will be the Fuji Electric Information Services Company Ltd.  He
   will continue to be active in ECOM and in the UBL TC using his
   new individual membership.

Jon Bosak

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