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Subject: Re: [ubl-lcsc] Code Lists Are Great!

Sorry, V04 is not the latest version of the code lists paper; V09 is. 
You can find the code lists paper and the latest review draft of the NDR 
document (and the facets paper, and...) here:


Everything in the latest distribution is linked from the announcement at 
the top of the page.  We welcome your comments!

Some things to think about specifically when it comes to code lists:

What fields will you need to add to the spreadsheet?  It might make 
sense to add another tab solely for code lists, where each row 
identifies all the necessary "supplementary components" of each list. 
And then you can reference these rows from a new column in the rest of 
the spreadsheet, in each <foo>Code element.  This would indicate the 
minimum required code list support for UBL Library elements.

I *think* this would be enough information for Gunther to generate 
elements and "dummy types" that conform to the code list recommendation. 
  If we wanted to get really sophisticated, the code list tab could also 
provide information on which supplementary components should be fixed or 
defaulted values in the schema.


Lisa Seaburg wrote:
> Well, actually confusing, but who's keeping track?
> Here is the latest version of the Code Lists paper from the NDR group. 
> Please take time to read through this, I invite discussion on the
> UBL-LCSC discussion list.  Topics to think about:
> How does this affect Library Content?
> Does this change the way we work?
> I am sure you can come up with other ideas of what this means to Library
> Content.....
> Lisa

Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com

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