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Subject: Re: [ubl-lcsc] Code list content review

I assume when you say "OK to use full list from EF", you mean that 
EDIFIX already has these codes and they don't need anne's (hard won) 
text files!?

As for the other issues...

If you remember the discussion  on DocumentStatusCode and 
LineStatusCode, i think the concern was that the UNCL code lists were 
too big - we want to limit those used to the 4 Document Statuses and 5 
Line Statuses only.  So these are a restriction on the UNCL code lists.

CargoTypeCode was only a 'placebo' and we are implementing 'standard 
(and stock)' codes for the 1.0 package - so it is left undefined.

With ChipCode , OperatorCode and SubstitutionStatusCode  the names have 
not yet been added - because we have none.  i propose that the names are 
the same as the code value (the CodeContent). for example, 
OperatorCode.Content = "multiply" and OperatorCode.Name="multiply"

w.r.t. the EDIFIX code values, we have to think about maintenace of 
these values - so it would still help to have import and export of this 
data sorted out, rather than rely on manual entry and checking.

Sue Probert wrote:

>Hi All
>Firstly, apologies for missing the calls last week due to the CEFACT Forum
>meeting. I have nevertheless been following the email threads, or at least
>trying to do so.
>Over the weekend I have checked the latest text files from Anne against the
>latest codes spreadsheet from Tim and the following is my synopsis of the
>current 'code content' situation.
>AllowanceChargeReasonCode - codes are from UNCL 4465 D03A - OK to use full
>list from EF
>ChannelCode - codes are from UNCL 3155 D03A - OK to use full list from EF
>PaymentMeansTypeCode - codes are from UNCL 4461 D03A - OK
>(CargoTypeCode - codes are from UNCL 7085 D03A - OK but this code list
>appears to have disappeared?)
>CurrencyCode - ISO 4217 - OK to use full list from EF
>AcknowledgementResponseCode - 2 codes made up by UBL - names now added
>LatitudeDirectionCode - 2 codes made up by UBL - names now added
>LongitudeDirectionCode - 2 codes made up by UBL - names now added
>DocumentStatusCode - 4 codes made up by UBL - names now added (UNCL 1225
>could be used?)
>LineStatusCode - 5 codes made up by UBL - names now added (UNCL 1229 could
>be used?)
>ChipCode - 2 codes made up by UBL - names not yet added
>OperatorCode - 2 codes made up by UBL - names not yet added
>SubstitutionStatusCode - 2 codes made up by UBL - names not yet added
>Tim and Anne, do you agree with this?
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tim mcgrath
phone: +618 93352228  
postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160

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