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Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Agenda (revised) for NDR SC 14 November 2001

A number of people won't be able to join until halfway through, and we're 
starting to collect more preferences for high-priority items.  So here's 
another cut at the agenda; hopefully people will see this before dialing in.

1. Roll call
    See member list at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/

2. Acceptance of minutes of 7 November 2001 meeting
    (please send discrepancies *before* meeting):


3. Adoption of agenda

4. Compile and rank use cases (.5 hr)

    Use Dave's suggested template:
    1. Short and descriptive use case name
    2. Assumptions or preconditions before use case is invoked
    3. Sequence of actions from the perspective of the actor

5. Positions (1 hr)

    . Customizations: add, add/subtract, or subtract? (need champion)
    . Markup naming (Mark has agreed to be champion)

6. Review and prioritize Mark's outline draft (.5 hr)

7. Next steps

8. Adjourn
Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com

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