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Subject: RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Minutes for 28 August 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting


Right you are - this is one of the problems of editing XML via phone
conference! ;-)



-----Original Message-----
From: Grimley Michael J NPRI [mailto:GrimleyMJ@Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 10:57 AM
To: ubl-ndrsc@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Minutes for 28 August 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting


I believe the example for the container model should be:

Here are the XML instances for these two examples

Example 1.

Note that LineItemList is of type LineItemList.

Example 2.

Mike Grimley

NAVSEA Newport

-----Original Message-----
From: Mavis Cournane [mailto:mavis.cournane@cognitran.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 28 August 2002 13:35
To: ubl-ndrsc@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Minutes for 28 August 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting

1. Roll call (quorum is 8)

* Bill Burcham        YES
     * Mavis Cournane      YES
     * Mark Crawford       YES y:10
     * Fabrice Desré       no
     * Matt Gertner        no
     * Arofan Gregory      YES 
     * Jessica Glace       YES x:50
     * Michael Grimley     YES
     * Eduardo Gutentag    YES
     * Eve Maler           no
     * Sue Probert         YES
     * Lisa Seaburg        YES
     * Gunther Stuhec      no 
     * Paul Thorpe         YES
     * Kris Ketels         no

Quorum acheived (x:15)

2. Acceptance of minutes of previous meeting

    21 August 2002

Minutes accepted

3. Adoption of agenda/schedule planning

    August 28:
    - Regrets from Eve
    - Regrets Fabrice
    - NDR document review
    September 4:
    - Regrets from Paul Thorpe
    September 11:
    - Regrets from Paul Thorpe, possibly from folks in Geneva
    - NDR document review
    September 18:
    - Regrets from Gunther Stuhec
    - Approve documents for review distribution #3
    September 25:
    - No meeting; work on other UBL tasks instead
    October 1-4:
    - F2F #5 in Burlington, MA, USA

    A NDR document improvements (review every two weeks)
    A+ Embedded documentation NEARLY DONE
    A Code lists IN PROGRESS
    A Dates and times IN PROGRESS
    A Nested supplementary components IN PROGRESS
    A Identifier references and whether to pass content by reference
    A- Local vs. global elements
    B+ Containership IN PROGRESS
    B Updating guiding principles
    B Modnamver URN/schema location
    B Referencing of content, e.g. for attachments
    C Facets
    C Wildcards/open content
    C Nillability
    C Aggregation of similar information for XPath V1.0 addressing

4. Action item review

    - Send out the normalization paper. DONE
    - NEW: Ask Tim to fix the Identifier->ID spreadsheet formula bug.  80%
    - NEW: Check whether we have an inappropriate rule on treating
      RTs as reserved. DONE (none found) 

    - Update the embedded documentation paper according to August 7
      decisions. DONE 

    - Update the issues spreadsheet with Eve's comments.
    - Amend NDR document to add example code for Period. DONE
    - Update NDR draft 15 with comments from our August 14 comments.
    - Update issues spreadsheet to contain externally received NDR
      comments. DONE

    - Finish draft of code list document. IN PROGRESS
    - See if Mavis might be available for August 28 call. DONE
    - NEW: Raise awareness of the containership issue to the CSC.

    - Write content referencing paper. IN PROGRESS
    - Send date/time NDR snippets to Mavis. IN PROGRESS
    - With Arofan, prepare samples of how to handle second-tier
      attributes. IN PROGRESS
    - Bring the donkey to Burlington!

    - Update modnamver paper by September 11.
    - Start an email thread proposing a schema location solution.
    - NEW: Start a thread on RTs in aggregates and possible NDR
      document bugs in this area.

5. Other SC reports

Lisa Seaburg reported that the LCSC discussed the distribution and are
comments on it. 
Matt is no longer the chair of CM.

6. Chairs SC issues

     A. How to put the containerize rule to the UBL comments list. (Arofan
     B. Joint meetings between NDR and LCSC.

THe Chairs SC met on Mon August 2th. The issue was raised regarding 3
opinions on containership.  It became clear Gunther's OO, Tims view of 
methodology and Arofan's containership are in conflict. To help resolve the 
issues there will be common calls for the LCSC and NDRSC next week. Mavis
receive call details for the joint LCSC call on Tues from Lisa and advise
participants. Jon Bosak suggested that NDR propose a containership rule on
UBL-Comment List for discussion. NDR will spend time on wording this rule
and put it into a form for public review. In terms of the joint call next
with LCSC Arofan can make it, Michael cannot, Bill won't make it, Eduardo
try, Lisa will make it, Sue probably not, Paul won't and Mavis will try. 

The NDR SC worked on the wording of the Containership proposal and puts
the following:

The NDR SC advocates the use of containers for the following reasons:

* having the flexibility to extend content models using XSD
* for efficient use of existing XML tools and technologies (e.g. XPath etc.)
* general issues of clarity and usability

The NDR SC wishes to put forth the following rule for containership for 
feedback from participants on the ubl-comment list. This proposal merely 
touches on part of the wider containership issue. Please note that this 
diverges from the modelling in the current distribution OP65.

A group of like elements constitutes a model element in its own right. The
of the containing element has a relationship to the type of the contained 
element.  The name of the container Type  uses the type name of the
element and adds the word "List".

Here is an example of the proposed model:

The Order object class has a property called LineItemList. LineItemList is
instance of the object class called LineItemList.  A LineItemList contains
or more instances of object class LineItem.

The dictionary entry name for this property LineItemList is 

When the  existing naming rules are applied the resultant XML element name 
would be LineItemList.

Consequently, you have the freedom to choose a property term that differs
the representation term to accomodate elements that might be named as
Dictionary Entry Name = Order.Accepted.LineItemList with an XML element name

Here are the XML instances for these two examples

Example 1.

Note that LineItemList is of type LineItemList.

Example 2.

Note that here also the type of AcceptedLineItemList is LineItemList.

7. NDR Draft 16 Review
NDR Spreadsheet Review deferred.

8. Finish embedded documentation decisions

9. Adjourn

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