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Subject: Proposed Modification to [ELN4] - ASBIE Naming

[ELN4] A UBL global element name based on an ccts:ASBIE MUST be the
ccts:ASBIE dictionary entry name property term and qualifiers; and the
object class term and qualifiers of its associated ccts:ABIE. All
ccts:DictionaryEntryName separators MUST be removed.

<New>If the omission of the ccts:ASBIE dictionary entry name object class
term results in a name collision then the ccts:ASBIE dictionary entry
name object class term MUST be added to the beginning of the element name.</New>

Redundant words in the ccts:ASBIE property term or qualifiers and the
associated ccts:ABIE object class term or qualifiers MUST be dropped <New>unless
the result produces a name collision</New>.

With object class:

<xsd:element ref="InvoiceLegalTotal">
        <ccts:DictionaryEntryName>Invoice. Legal Total</ccts:DictionaryEntryName>
        <ccts:Definition>Associates the invoice with a set of totals...</ccts:Definition>

Because there is already a Global Element named 'LegalTotal' in the Reusable schema, and we add no additional qualifiers, we will have a name collision if we don't include the Object Class. Therefore, ASBIE Global Element Name becomes 'InvoiceLegalTotal'. (Yes, Gunther, this is a direct result of our Global Element decision.):

<xsd:element name="InvoiceLegalTotal" type="cat:LegalTotal"/>

Without object class:

<xsd:element ref="AdditionalDocumentReference" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <ccts:DictionaryEntryName>Invoice. Additional_  Document Reference. Document Reference</ccts:DictionaryEntryName>
        <ccts:Definition>Provides other means of identifying an Invoice </ccts:Definition>

Because we have the qualifier 'Additional', we have no need to include the Object Class in order to prevent name collision with global 'DocumentReference' in Reusable:

<xsd:element name="AdditionalDocumentReference" type="cat:DocumentReferenceType"/>

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