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Subject: SV: Names in document spreadsheets

In my check of DEN I have relied on GEFEG FX and have corrected the spreadsheets accourding to this.
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Tim McGrath [mailto:tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au]
Sendt: 18. juni 2006 10:27
Til: Peter Borresen
Cc: ubl-psc@lists.oasis-open.org
Emne: Names in document spreadsheets

I am now going through the document spreadsheets and have found some problems with Dictionary Entry Names.  As EDIFIX generates these itself it isn't a major problem for the schemas but we cannot publish the spreadsheets with these names.  For example....

Invoice. Buyer_ Customer Party. Party
Invoice. Seller_ Supplier Party. Party
Invoice. Tax_ Representative_ Party. Party

should be:

Invoice. Buyer_ Customer Party
Invoice. Seller_ Supplier Party
Invoice. Tax Representative_ Party

- where the Property Term is the same as the Represenation term we drop the duplication.  This is always true with ASBIEs.  And the underscore "_" is only used to separate qualifiers from terms (not qualifers from other qualifiers).

also (its too late to change it now)  "Invoice. Payment Alternative_ Exchange Rate. Exchange Rate" should probably have been called "Invoice. Alternative Payment_ Exchange Rate". 
Invoice. Payment Alternative_ Exchange Rate. Exchange Rate
Invoice. Payment Alternative_ Exchange Rate. Exchange Rate
tim mcgrath
phone: +618 93352228  
postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160
web: http://www.portcomm.com.au/tmcgrath

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