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Subject: UBL SBS business specification example - use of an SBS uri (and future url)

Greetings Folks

I've just had back a couple of very encouraging
responses from ubl-dev/ebxml-dev to a request
for clarification of the best practise in specifying
both the UBL schema uri/url and the subset
declaration uri/url in the ebXML artifacts.

This provides excellent confirmation of what best
to add to the SBS index.html by way of an example
of how to use the SBS uri and file location (when
we get one).

<BusinessDocument nameID="UBL-Invoice-1.0-SBS-1.0" name="UBL Invoice 1.0
Small Business Subset 1.0">
            name="UBL Invoice 1.0"
1.0.xsd" type="schema"/>
nameID="urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:xpath:Invoice-1.0:sbs-1.0" name="UBL Invoice
1.0 Small Business Subset 1.0"

I'm just awaiting confirmation of whether we can use
'type="subset"' in the above or whether we are limited
to other values from a codelist say. BPSS 2.0 is the OASIS standard
used above and has just been accepted by the ebxml-bp TC.

There is an alternative method if we were to have a CAM document
to reference in place of the two references (the CAM 'template'
would itself reference the UBL schema and SBS subset).

The nameID value for the SBS is a preliminary value for now
but it may be the uri (yet to be finalised for the beta release)
and we do not yet have a permanent url, hence my

but I hope we might *eventually* be replacing the ???
with something like docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/UBL-1.0-SBS-1.0

As I wrote in my response

Would it be ... "within UBL's scope to provide the
necessary BPSS and CAM documents (either just as
examples or as official documentation) for use of UBL and
the UBL small business subset in etrading involving small
or even medium sized businesses"?

All the best


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