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Subject: Re: [ubl-sbsc] Comments from ebBP TC

Here are the comments mentioned earlier (below) (thanks Monica Martin, ebBP TC co-Chair)

>I had an action item yesterday following a great
>suggestion in the TC meeting to include a complete
>ebBP definition for Invoicing using the UBL 1.0 SBS
>in the SBS specification package with a view to the
>same definition being included in the ebBP package
>as an example.
>Please find attached the example which I would like
>to include in the second UBL 1.0 SBS committee draft.
>Wording in the SBS spec to link to this example would read:
>"2     Intended Use of the Small Business Subset
>It is intended that any party wishing to limit their own UBL implementation 
>to the Small Business Subset (SBS) SHOULD indicate this in their trading 
>partner agreements (or the equivalent) with the relevant UBL schema URI 
>and URL and with the URI and URL associated with the respective Small 
>Business Subset definition document. The subset URI is that given in the 
>relevant subset definition as specified in the normative material in section 
>3.1. The subset URL used SHOULD be the persistent URL provided with 
>this documentation but a more convenient alternative persistent URL 
>might be used where this is more desirable, say to assist in automation 
>of the trading partner discovery process.
mm1: May need to define this last statement further in the context of 
UBL and use of SBS.  Do you intend to promote use of the subset URL and 
what would the alternative be (example may be good). May wish to indicate:

The subset URL used SHOULD be the persistent URL provided with this documentation. Another persistent URL MAY be used such as those intended to assist in automation of the trading partner discovery process or composition of business documents as defined in a business process.

>One might have something like the following as part of a business process 
>specification schema :
mm1 Suggest:

When a business process is used in conjunction with the small business subset (such as OASIS ebXML Business Process Specification Schema or ebBP), the logical business document and business rules may be specified to enable their use. For example:

><BusinessDocument name="UBL 1.0 Invoice - Small Business Subset" nameID="UBL-1.0-SBS-1.0-Invoice" >
><Documentation> The documents are an XSD file and a subset definition that specify the rules for creating the XML document for the business action of invoicing the buyer.
><Specification targetNamespace="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-1.0"
>name="Invoice" nameID="Invoice" location="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/cd-UBL-1.0/xsd/maindoc/UBL-Invoice-1.0.xsd"; type="schema" />
><Specification externalDocumentDefRef="urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:xpath:Invoice-1.0:sbs-1.0"
>name="Invoice SBS" nameID="InvoiceSBS" location="/xpaths/xml/XPath/Invoice-XPath.xml" type="other" />
>A specification with a section like this may then be referenced in collaboration 
>protocol profiles and agreements and in other trading partner agreements.
mm1: May wish to query Dale Moberg specifically and the CPP/A team on 
any comments to this reference.

>A complete example of an ebXML Business Process (ebBP 2.0.1) definition 
>for simple invoicing with the subset invoice is provided in the ebbp/ 
>subdirectory as a file named ebxmlbp-2.0.1_ubl-1.0-invoice-sbs-1.0.xml."
mm1: Thanks, Stephen.

[Regarding ebxmlbp-2.0.1_ubl-1.0-invoice-sbs-1.0.xml ]

You may wish to give 
actual identifiers (nameID) to the packages, roles, etc. In addition, if 
you used Dean's example, some of the name and nameID are transposed in 
order. This isn't a problem, but it looks more uniform to correct them.

Since this is supposed to be very simple, I'll leave my comments to 
that. Dale and others, do you have other comments? Thanks.

Reference invoice SBS example: 

>>> "Stephen Green" <stephen_green@bristol-city.gov.uk> 07/11/05 13:48:41 >>>
I've received some 1.0 SBS comments from Monica Martin via the ebBP TC and 
I'd like to make a few minor changes to the documentation in the index.html. I
could either wait and makes these changes following the next public review 
(counting these comments as reveiw comments, perhaps) or make the changes

Any thoughts? (I guess that since the changes would be to prose and examples
they wouldn't necessitate a further public review.)

The changes would be like the following (in index.html):


"3.1. The subset URL used SHOULD be the persistent URL provided with 
this documentation but a more convenient alternative persistent URL 
might be used where this is more desirable, say to assist in automation 
of the trading partner discovery process."


"3.1. The subset URL used SHOULD be the persistent URL provided with 
this documentation. Another persistent URL MAY be used such as those 
intended to assist in automation of the trading partner discovery process 
or composition of business documents as defined in a business process."



"One might have something like the following as part of a business process 
specification schema :"


"When a business process is used in conjunction with the small business subset 
(such as OASIS ebXML Business Process Specification Schema or ebBP), the
 logical business document and business rules may be specified to enable 
their use. For example:"

There might also be a few minor changes to the example ebBP instance
(ebxmlbp-2.0.1_ubl-1.0-invoice-sbs-1.0.xml), to add extra ID/IDREF
values here and there.

Much thanks to Monica for the comments and review.

All the best


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