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Subject: Agenda, 29/30 July 2004

The UBL Software Subcommittee will meet on 29/30 July 2004

The Atlantic call will occur at 16H00 - 17H00 UTC :

   09h00 - 10h00 Thursday San Francisco
   12h00 - 13h00 Thursday Washington
   17h00 - 18h00 Thursday London
   Midnight - 1:00 Friday Singapore


and the Pacific call will occur at 00h00 - 1h00 UTC:

   17h00 - 18h00 Thursday San Francisco
   20h00 - 21h00 Thursday Washington
   01h00 - 02h00 Friday London
   08h00 - 09h00 Friday Singapore


U.S. domestic toll-free number: (866)839-8145
Int. access/caller paid number: (865)524-6352
Access code: 5705229


   1. To create UBL schemas from models created by the UBL TC
      and continue to evaluate tools for this process.
   2. To promote a forum for the sharing of UBL implementation experience,
      for feedback to UBL TC and implementors.
   3. To document wish list requirements for UBL software based on
      UBL user/implementor and UBL TC needs.
   4. To develop FAQ (questions/answers from users, troubleshooting).
   5. To document basic information on using vanilla UBL.
   6. To actively represent UBL goals to software implementors.
   7. To maintain UBL tools information on a designated web site.
   8. To document UBL use (type of users, types of use, case studies,
      user input on best practices, etc.).


1. Welcome from Chair, Roll/Membership, Minutes, Agenda

2. TC and SC updates

   - tc
   - hisc
   - localization

3. Schema development

   - Update on changes
   - Outstanding issues

4. Schedule between now and Copenhagen

5. Implementation reports

   - test data request on ubl-dev
   - other ubl-dev activity

6. Marketing update

7. Ongoing work items

   - web site info
   - connecting with other organizations and implementors
   - tracking issues/discussions post 1.0
   - faq organization

8. Copenhagen work items

10. Other business

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