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Subject: Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Oct 29, 2013


here are the meeting minutes for the Oct 29 call.

1. Opening and minuting rotation selection.

   - Cornelia to take minutes

2. Reminder to sign in

   - https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/virtio/event.php?event_id=35944

   - Apologies received from Anthony Liguori

3. Review of previous minutes.

   - https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201310/msg00087.html

Accept?: Rusty
Seconded: Pawel
No objections

4. Review of subversion minor commits.

  - r57 Pawel 2.3.2 MMIO: Reformatting the text
  - r58 Pawel 2.1.2. Feature Bits: Fixed typo
  - r59 Pawel Legacy Interface: Fixed typo
  - r65 Cornelia virtio-ccw: clarify sense id operation
  - r66 Pawel 2.3.2 MMIO: Reformatting the text, cont.
Accept?: Rusty
Seconded: Cornelia
No objections

5. Review of outstating bug tracker proposals.

VIRTIO-44 (including VIRTIO-41):
Accept?: Rusty
Seconded: Pawel
No objections

Accept?: Rusty
Seconded: Cornelia
No objections

VIRTIO-42: deferred to next week (still needs attention to details)

Accept?: Rusty
Seconded: Cornelia
No objections

Accept?: Rusty
Seconded: Pawel
No objections

VIRTIO-34: deferred to next week (Michael wasn't at the meeting)

VIRTIO-28: deferred to next week (probably sound, but let's wait for
           more comments)

VIRTIO-9: Probably not that much of a hit for virtio-ccw performance.
          Let's accept, we can always do changes should this prove
Accept?: Rusty
Seconded: Cornelia
No objections

6. Any other business.

7. Confirmation of meeting schedule.

Next meeting will be Nov 5. Target is to get a draft ready, then we can
probably cancel the meeting after that while digesting comments.

8. Adjourn

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