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Subject: Re: [vsmi] Future meeting agendas

Duncan, et al, here is how the OASIS Board of Directors handles it. Maybe an approach that will work for you.Â

The Board has a folder named 'Meeting Documents' on its Kavi document repository. In that folder are folders named with the meeting dates, e.g. 'Meeting 2022-6-14. The folder is created several weeks ahead of the meeting. Any documents needed by the Board - reports, proposed policy changes, previous minutes for approval, etc. - go into that folder in advance of the meeting. When people load documents, Kavi of course kicks off a notice email to the group so everyone gets a notification of what's coming.Â

The Chair puts together a proposed agenda and sends it around well in advance of the meeting. That's the goal anyway. Discussion of the agenda happens on email after which it goes into the meeting folder.Â

They do start the meeting with the approval of the agenda and it is not uncommon for a last minute item to be brought forward and added to the agenda. Such topics are informative, though, and generally not presented with the expectation of approvals or action.Â

I don't think many TCs do things this way but I find it works well. Everyone knows where meeting documents will be located so that they can find them in advance. Also, they know where exactly to put documents they want addressed at the meeting. (E.g. I don't have to email Gershon and ask him where to put the draft minutes for approval for the upcoming meeting; I know exactly where the folder will be.) This approach also makes going back and finding something later a whole lot easier. I've had to locate where a Board approval happened many times and knowing the meeting date - or even the rough date e.g. 'sometime last summer' makes the investigation much easier.Â

And it would be very simple for you to do this, either on Kavi or on a Google drive.Â



On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 4:35 PM duncan sfractal.com <duncan@sfractal.com> wrote:

What will be the process for making suggestions and determining the agenda for future meetings?

My preferences would be:

  • that the agenda be available prior to the meeting,
  • that the membership have the ability to suggest topics for the agenda, and
  • that the first agenda item is always discussion/approval of the agenda


Assuming there is agreement to the first bullet, it begs the question of where to put the agenda and how to make suggestions. One choice is email, but it would not be my first choice. Another choice is to use the OASIS Lucid meeting tool. Although I do find iLucid useful for both the agenda and for running meetings in OpenC2, it has plenty of drawbacks as well. Google docs is another choice for the agenda that many find workable. Github is yet another choice but many would consider overkill for agendas.


Iâll defer to the will of the group (or of the chairs if nobody speaks up) as to where agendas get put and how we get to comment on them. I just request they get put somewhere and that we have input.



Duncan Sparrell

sFractal Consulting LLC

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