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Subject: PAC: text of the TC process

Here is the text of the new Articles 14 and 15 that were added to
the OASIS bylaws by the board of directors July 21.

It's my understanding that the board intends to submit this for
legal review before announcing it publicly.



Article 14.  Technical Committees

1. Definitions

   PEOTCP (Person Eligible for OASIS Technical Committee
   Participation) -- one of a class of individuals that includes
   persons holding individual memberships in the corporation,
   employees of organizational members of the corporation, members
   of organizations to which OASIS has extended the benefits of
   joint membership, and such other persons as may be designated
   by the board of directors.

   Technical Committee (TC) -- a group of PEOTCPs formed and
   conducted according to the provisions of this article.

   Joint Committee (JC) -- a TC formed by joint resolution of a
   group of cooperating TCs, all of whose members are also members
   of at least one liaison subcommittee appointed for the purpose
   of participating in that JC.

   Liaison subcommittee -- a subcommittee of a TC formed to
   provide one or more members of a JC.

   Calendar year -- begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of
   each year.

   Calendar quarter -- one of the spans of time extending from
   January 1 through March 31, April 1 through June 30, July 1
   through September 30, and October 1 through December 31.

   OASIS TC administration -- persons appointed by the board of
   directors to represent OASIS in administrative matters relating
   to TCs.

2. TC Discussion Lists

   Any group of at least three PEOTCPs shall be authorized to
   begin a discussion list for the purpose of forming a TC by
   submitting to OASIS TC administration the following items:

    - The name of the discussion list, which shall not be the same
      as the name of the list in which the TC itself will operate
      once formed.

    - A preliminary statement of scope for the TC that the list is
      intended to form.

    - The names, electronic mail addresses, and membership
      affiliations of the PEOTCPs proposing to create the
      discussion list.

    - The name of the discussion list leader.

   No later than 15 days following the submission, OASIS shall
   provide these materials to the membership with a call for
   participation in a discussion list whose purpose is to form the
   TC described in the application.  Discussion of TC formation
   shall begin on the list no sooner than seven days after the
   announcement.  More than one TC can be formed from a discussion
   list.  A list established to discuss the formation of a TC
   under provisions of this section shall automatically go out of
   existence 90 days after the call for participation, together
   with its archive.

3. TC Formation

   Any group of at least three PEOTCPs shall be authorized to
   begin a TC by submitting to OASIS TC administration the
   following items, written in English and provided in electronic
   form as plain text:

    - Name of the TC, such name not to have been previously used
      for an OASIS TC.

    - Statement of purpose, which must be germane to the mission
      of OASIS.

    - List of deliverables, with projected dates.

    - Language in which the TC will conduct business.

    - Date and time of the first meeting, and whether it will be
      held in person or by phone.

    - The meeting schedule for the year following the formation of
      the TC, or until the projected date of the final
      deliverable, whichever comes first.

    - Names, electronic mail addresses, and membership
      affiliations of at least three PEOTCPs committed to the
      stated meeting schedule.

    - Name of the TC chair.

    - Names of phone meeting sponsors, if any.

    - Names of face-to-face meeting sponsors, if any.

   No later than 15 days following the submission, OASIS TC
   administration shall either provide these materials to the
   membership, with a call for participation and an announcement
   of a first meeting, or return the submission to its originators
   with an explanation of its failure to meet the requirements set
   forth in this section.  If the submission is accepted, OASIS TC
   administration shall form two electronic mail lists for the TC,
   namely a general list and a comment list, as described further
   in the section titled "TC visibility," and the person named as
   chair of the TC shall be given administrative control of these

4. First Meeting of a TC

   The first meeting of a TC shall occur no less than 30 days
   after the announcement of its formation in the case of a
   telephone meeting and no less than 45 days after the
   announcement of its formation in the case of a face-to-face
   meeting.  Persons intending to participate in the first meeting
   must register to attend no later than 15 days prior to the
   event by notifying the person named as chair of the new TC of
   their intention to attend the meeting.  Every PEOTCP present at
   the first meeting of a TC shall be initially a voting member of
   the TC.

   The first meeting of a TC must occur at the place and time and
   in the manner described in the announcement.  Any initial
   meeting whose time or location is changed and any initial phone
   meeting that fails to grant access to every PEOTCP previously
   registering a desire to participate shall be subject to appeal
   as provided in the section of this article titled "Appeals."

5. TC Membership

   A PEOTCP shall become a prospective member of an existing TC by
   sending by mail notice of intention to participate to the chair
   of the TC.  Prospective membership shall begin seven days after
   this notice is received.  A prospective member may attend
   face-to-face meetings as an observer.  A prospective member may
   attend phone meetings as an observer at the discretion of the

   A prospective member of a TC shall become a voting member of
   the TC immediately following the close of the third TC meeting
   held during the period of prospective membership or after 60
   days have elapsed following formal application to join the TC,
   whichever comes first.

   The transference of an individual OASIS membership shall not
   automatically confer TC membership upon the transferee.

6. Termination of TC Membership

   Except as provided in the section of this article titled
   "Leaves of Absence," membership in an OASIS TC shall be
   terminated under the following conditions.

   a. A member shall be warned by mail from the chair of the TC
      upon failure to attend two out of every three successive
      meetings of the TC.  Membership shall be terminated if the
      member fails to attend the next meeting following
      transmittal of the warning.

   b. A member shall be warned by mail from the chair of the TC
      upon failure to return 80 percent of all mail ballots
      closing during any 90-day period.  Membership shall be
      terminated if the member fails to return 80 percent of all
      mail ballots closing during the 90 days following
      transmittal of the warning.

   c. A member shall be considered to have resigned from a TC upon
      receipt of notification of resignation by mail from the
      member by the chair of the TC.

   Termination of membership in an OASIS TC shall automatically
   end voting membership in any subcommittee directly or
   indirectly created by that TC.

7. Leaves of Absence

   Every member of an OASIS TC shall be entitled to at least one
   leave of absence per calendar year.  During a leave of absence,
   a member shall be exempt from the participation criteria
   specified in the section of this article titled "Termination of
   TC Membership."  A first leave of absence in any calendar year
   shall be obtained automatically upon application to the chair
   of the TC.

   A TC member who has already been granted a leave of absence
   during a calendar year may apply for a maximum of one
   additional leave of absence during the same year, but a second
   leave of absence in a calendar year shall be granted only upon
   formal resolution of the TC.

   A member of a TC who has been granted a leave of absence shall
   cease to be a member of the TC and all of its subcommittees for
   the duration of the leave.  However, membership in the TC and
   membership in any still-existing subcommittee of the TC of
   which the same person was a member at the beginning of the
   leave shall resume when the leave ends.

   The length of a leave of absence shall be specified in advance
   by the member requesting it and shall not exceed 45 days.  A
   leave of absence shall begin no earlier than seven days after
   the date upon which the request was submitted to the chair of
   the TC and shall end on the date specified, or at the beginning
   of the first TC meeting or subcommittee meeting attended after
   the leave begins, or upon transmittal of the first mail ballot
   returned after the leave begins, whichever comes first.  Time
   allocated for a leave of absence but not used due to early
   resumption of membership cannot be carried over into another

8. TC Chairs

   A TC chair may be removed by action of the board of directors
   following an appeal as specified in the section of this article
   titled "Appeals" or by a vote of 2/3 of all the members of the

   A vacancy in chairing a TC shall be deemed to exist when (a)
   the chair has been removed, (b) the chair has resigned the
   position, or (c) the chair ceases to be a member of the TC.

   Vacancies in chairing a TC shall be filled by election from the
   membership of the TC.

   The same provisions regarding leaves of absence shall apply to
   the chair of a TC as to the other members of a TC, except the
   chair must notify both OASIS TC administration and the TC at
   least 30 days prior to any non-emergency leave of absence.

9. TC Visibility

   All TC electronic mail lists shall be archived for the duration
   of the corporation, and all TC mail archives shall be publicly
   visible.  Each TC shall be provided upon formation with a
   general list and a comment list.

   Every PEOTCP shall be able to subscribe to the general mailing
   list of any TC, but only members of that TC shall be able to
   post to it.  The minutes of each TC meeting shall be published
   to that TC's general list.

   The comment list of a TC shall be open to contributions from
   every PEOTCP, and may also be enabled to accept comments from
   other groups or from the public at large by resolution of the
   TC.  TCs shall not be required to respond to comments.

   OASIS shall create a publicly archived list for announcements
   from OASIS TC administration regarding TCs.  Any PEOTCP shall
   be able to subscribe to this list.

   Every important change in TC status shall be posted to the
   announcement list, such changes to include but not be limited
   to the following: TC formation; changes in purpose,
   deliverables, or meeting schedule; publication of working
   drafts; publication of committee specifications; calls for
   implementation; submission of a specification as a proposed
   OASIS standard; approval or rejection of a proposed standard;
   start or end of participation in a joint committee; and closure
   of a TC.

10. TC Procedure

   The operation of TCs shall be governed by Robert's Rules of
   Order, as such rules may be revised from time to time, insofar
   as such rules are not inconsistent with or in conflict with
   these Bylaws, with the Articles of Incorporation of this
   corporation, or with provisions of law.

   The duration of a TC shall be considered a single session.

   Formal actions of TCs shall be governed by the same rules
   regardless of the language in which the work is taking place.

11. TC Meetings

   "TC meeting" shall be construed to include telephone
   conferences and video conferences as well as face-to-face

   Any TC that fails to conduct at least one meeting during a
   calendar year shall cease to exist at the beginning of the
   calendar year immediately following.

12. TC Revision

   A TC can clarify its statement of purpose; revise its
   deliverables; and change its meeting schedule.  Such changes
   shall be reported on the TC announcement list, and any
   revisable publicly visible description (e.g., Web page)
   promulgated by the TC shall be updated to reflect such changes.

13. TC Voting

   Every member of a TC has a single vote.  Organizations do not
   vote in TCs.  Proxies shall not be allowed in TC voting.

   The final approval of a committee specification shall require
   at least 2/3 of the total membership of a TC voting to approve
   and no more than 1/4 voting to disapprove.

14. Conduct of TC Business by Mail

   A TC may adopt a standing rule authorizing its chair to draft
   resolutions pertaining to routine business directly related to
   the stated purpose of the TC and to conduct votes on such
   resolutions by mail.

   A TC may, by the approval of 2/3 of the members voting in a
   meeting, allow the chair between that meeting and the next to
   draft resolutions pertaining to specified subjects, to propose
   such draft resolutions to the members of the TC for discussion
   by mail, to entertain friendly amendments to such draft
   resolutions and make such changes as shall seem most likely to
   gain general assent of the members of the TC, to put such
   resolutions as seem to have gained majority assent to the
   members of the TC for a vote by mail, and to conduct votes on
   such resolutions by mail.

   The period allowed for voting by mail shall be five days,
   unless the TC specifies a different voting period in the
   resolution authorizing the vote or in standing rules governing
   mail ballots.

   "Mail" as the term is applied to the conduct of TCs shall be
   construed to mean electronic mail.

15. TC Coordination

   Coordination among TCs shall take place through the action of
   voluntary joint committees (JCs).

   The formation of a JC shall begin with the preparation of a JC
   proposal.  A JC proposal must meet all of the criteria for a TC
   proposal, and it must in addition contain

    - The date and time of the first meeting of the JC, such date
      to be no less than 45 days and no more than one year from
      the date of submission.

    - A list of all the TCs that will cooperate in the work of the

    - The name of at least one member from each of those TCs who
      is committed to the purpose and meeting schedule of the JC.
      No individual named in the proposal shall be allowed to
      represent more than one TC in meeting this requirement.

   Within 15 days of its submission, OASIS TC administration shall
   convey the proposal to the chairs of all the TCs named in the
   proposal and shall in addition copy the proposal to the TC
   announcement list.  Each of the TCs shall then have until 30
   days before the date set in the proposal for the first JC
   meeting to appoint a liaison subcommittee, the members of which
   are thereby empowered to participate in the JC described in the
   proposal.  The appointment of liaison subcommittees shall be
   governed by the same rules that apply to the appointment of
   ordinary TC subcommittees.

   Upon the appointment of liaison subcommittees by all of the TCs
   named in the proposal, OASIS shall create a mailing list for
   the new JC and shall announce its formation to the membership,
   but for informational purposes only and not as a call for

   The voting members of a newly created JC shall be those OASIS
   members who (a) have been appointed to a liaison subcommittee
   created for this purpose by one of the TCs cooperating in the
   JC, (b) individually register their intention to attend the
   first meeting of the JC by sending mail no later than 15 days
   preceding the meeting to the chair of the JC, and (c) attend
   the first meeting of the JC.

   The first meeting of a JC shall not be called to order until at
   least one member from each liaison subcommittee appointed to
   participate in the JC is present at the meeting.  If this
   requirement is not met by the end of the time scheduled for the
   first meeting, then the JC shall cease to exist, and OASIS TC
   administration shall close its mailing list.  No person shall
   be counted as representing more than one TC for purposes of
   this requirement.

   Membership in a JC after its first meeting shall be governed by
   the same rules governing membership in a TC, with the added
   requirement that any prospective member of a JC must first be a
   member of a liaison subcommittee appointed for this purpose by
   one of the cooperating TCs.

   Except as provided in this section, all of the provisions for
   meetings, membership, termination of membership, and leaves of
   absence that apply to members of TCs shall apply equally to
   JCs, with the added requirement that warnings of termination of
   membership shall be copied to the chairs of TCs contributing a
   member to the JC as well as to the affected member.

   The membership of a person in a JC shall terminate if that
   person resigns from the JC, fails to meet the generic
   participation requirements of JCs and TCs, or ceases to be a
   member of any of the liaison subcommittees participating in the

   If termination of membership in a JC causes a still existing
   TC's contribution of voting members to that JC to fall to zero,
   the chair of the JC shall, within 15 days following the
   termination of membership, notify OASIS and the chair of the
   formerly participating TC that the TC is in breach of its
   obligation to contribute to the work of the JC.  The TC shall
   have 90 days following this notice to appoint a new liaison
   subcommittee, whose members shall become prospective members of
   the JC.  If none of those prospective members fulfills the
   requirements for participation in the JC, the attempt to create
   a liaison subcommittee shall be declared a failure.

   If a still-existing TC in breach of its obligation to
   contribute to a JC fails to appoint a liaison subcommittee
   within the time stated, then all activities and mailing lists
   of that JC shall cease until its successor, if any, can be
   organized according to the provisions for starting a JC.

   If one or more TCs participating in a JC cease to exist but
   more than one TC remains, the chair of the JC shall so inform
   OASIS TC administration, and the remaining TCs after notice
   from OASIS TC administration shall have 30 days thereafter to
   adopt a joint resolution agreeing to carry on the work of the
   JC without requalifying its members.  If they fail to adopt
   such a resolution, the JC shall cease to exist.

   A TC shall have no obligation to abide by any decision arrived
   at in a JC to which it contributes membership.  The business of
   a JC to which a TC contributes membership shall be imparted to
   the TC through reports from the chair of its liaison
   subcommittee.  Such reports shall have the same force and shall
   be made, received, and acted upon in the same manner as reports
   from any other subcommittee of the TC.

   A TC shall be added to or removed from the set of TCs
   contributing to a JC only upon joint resolution of all of the
   participating TCs.

16. Appeals

   Any group of three or more PEOTCPs who believe that an action
   taken or not taken by or with respect to TCs is in violation of
   the procedures set forth in these Bylaws or specified by the
   board of directors of the corporation may appeal such action or
   inaction to OASIS TC administration.  Appellants shall file a
   complaint within 30 days of the action being appealed or at any
   time with respect to an inaction.  The complaint shall state
   the nature of the objection(s), including any direct and
   material adverse effects upon the appellants; the section(s) of
   these Bylaws or of the board resolution(s) at issue; the
   actions or inactions at issue; and the specific remedial
   action(s) that would satisfy the appellants' concerns.
   Previous efforts to resolve the objection(s) and the outcome of
   each shall be noted.

   Within 30 days of receipt of the complaint, OASIS TC
   administration shall respond to the appellants, addressing each
   allegation of fact in the complaint to the extent of the TC
   administration's knowledge.  If the appellants and the TC
   administration are unable to resolve the complaint within 15
   days following the response, the TC administration shall
   schedule a hearing before the OASIS board of directors at the
   next regular board meeting.  In such a hearing, appellants
   shall have the burden of demonstrating adverse effects,
   improper action or inaction, and the efficacy of the requested
   remedial action.  The board shall render its decision within 30
   days.  The decision of the board shall be final.

   The OASIS board of directors has the authority to effect such
   remedial action as may be necessary to remedy a complaint
   brought under this procedure.

17. Application to Existing TCs

   This article applies to previously established TCs upon its


Article 15. Standards Process

   A technical committee (TC) as defined in Article 14 of these
   bylaws that has approved and published a committee
   specification may simultaneously or at some later time
   recommend that the specification be made an OASIS standard.
   Upon resolution of the TC to move the specification forward,
   its chair shall submit the following items to OASIS:

      a. A formal specification that is a valid member of its

      b. Appropriate documentation for the specification.

      c. A clear English-language summary of the specification.

      d. Certification by at least three OASIS member
         organizations that they are successfully using the

      e. An account of or pointer to votes and comments received
         in any earlier attempts to standardize substantially the
         same specification, together with the originating TC's
         response to each comment.

      f. A pointer to the publicly visible comments archive for
         the originating TC.

   Thirty days shall be allowed for administrative processing of a
   proposed standard.  The proposal shall be submitted to the
   OASIS membership for review at the beginning of the first
   calendar quarter following the 30 days allocated for
   administrative review. At the beginning of the next calendar
   quarter, the proposal shall be submitted to the voting members
   of OASIS, who shall have thirty days to return a ballot
   approving or disapproving the proposal.

   The TC that originated the specification may, by formal
   resolution, withdraw the proposed specification at any point
   after it is submitted to OASIS for administrative processing
   and before the end of the voting period.

   In votes upon proposed OASIS standards, each voting OASIS
   member shall be entitled to cast one vote.  Votes shall be cast
   by sending electronic mail to a publicly archived list created
   for this purpose.  Votes may be changed up until the end of the
   voting period.

   The results of a vote on a proposed standard shall be provided
   to the membership and to the TC no later than seven days
   following the close of the voting period.

   If at the end of the voting period at least 10 percent of the
   voting membership has voted to approve the proposed standard,

   a. If no votes have been cast to disapprove the proposed
      standard, it shall become an OASIS standard immediately
      following the end of the voting period.

   b. If negative votes amounting to less than 10 percent of the
      voting membership have been cast, the negative votes and
      accompanying comments, if any, shall be forwarded to the
      originating TC for consideration.  After notification of the
      results, the TC shall have 30 days to take one of the
      following actions by resolution:

      1. request OASIS to approve the specification as submitted
         despite the negative votes, or

      2. withdraw the submission entirely, or

      3. submit an amended specification, in which case the
         amended submission shall be considered as if it were a
         new submission, except that information regarding
         previous votes and any disposition of comments received
         in previous votes shall accompany the amended submission.

   If at the end of the voting period less than 10 percent of the
   voting membership has voted to approve the proposed standard,
   or if at the end of the voting period 10 percent or more of the
   voting membership has voted to disapprove the proposed
   standard, or if the orginating TC upon notification of negative
   votes takes no formal action within the 30 days allocated for
   consideration of the results, then the specification shall not
   become an OASIS standard.  This shall not prevent the same or
   similar specification from being submitted again.

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