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Subject: Issue i099 - Detail for header related faults in SOAP 1.1

SOAP 1.1 indicates that the detail element must not be used to convey error information related to header entries. As most of the faults we have defined in WS-RM are related to header entries how should that information be conveyed? Should this just go into the SequenceFault element defined in section 4.1?


I think the only fault that seems related to body processing where detail would be used is the create sequence refused, which amusingly defines detail as xs:any. It does seem that for completeness the detail element should still be captured in the example of a SOAP 1.1 fault for create sequence in section 4.


Marc Goodner

Technical Diplomat

Microsoft Corporation

Tel: (425) 703-1903

Blog: http://spaces.msn.com/mrgoodner/


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