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Subject: Changes required in published wsdl

      * WS-ResourceLifetime.wsdl and WS-ResourceProperties.wsdl import
	WS-Addressing schema but don't need to.
      * WS-ServiceGroup.wsdl doesn't import WS-Addressing schema but
        needs to.
      * It looks like most of the namespace prefixes in the published
        service group wsdl are wrong. For example:
            <wsdl:operation name="GetResourceProperty">
              <wsdl:input name="GetResourcePropertyRequest" 
                    message="wsrp:GetResourcePropertyRequest" />
              <wsdl:output name="GetResourcePropertyResponse" 
                    message="wsrp:GetResourcePropertyResponse" />
              <wsdl:fault name="ResourceUnknownFault" 
                    message="wsrp:ResourceUnknownFault" />
              <wsdl:fault name="InvalidResourcePropertyQNameFault" 
                    message="wsrp:InvalidResourcePropertyQNameFault" />   
        should be
            <wsdl:operation name="GetResourceProperty">
              <wsdl:input name="GetResourcePropertyRequest" 
                    message="wsrpw:GetResourcePropertyRequest" />
              <wsdl:output name="GetResourcePropertyResponse" 
                    message="wsrpw:GetResourcePropertyResponse" />
              <wsdl:fault name="ResourceUnknownFault" 
                    message="wsrpw:ResourceUnknownFault" />
              <wsdl:fault name="InvalidResourcePropertyQNameFault" 
                    message="wsrpw:InvalidResourcePropertyQNameFault" />   
        This seems to be true for all operations in the spec (I think
        even the service group operations themselves have it wrong).
      * The Resource Lifetime wsdl at
        http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsrf/2004/06/wsrf-WS-ResourceLifetime-1.2-draft-01.wsdl is missing the oasis copyright statement (though the spec itself has the wsdl with the copyright statement)
      * The Resource Lifetime wsdl does not declare the
        ScheduledResourceTerminationRP on the
        ScheduledResourceTermination porttype.

Sam Meder <meder@mcs.anl.gov>
The Globus Alliance - University of Chicago

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