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Subject: using setResourceProperties ...


This is my first posting, and I hope not too stupid. But, I have thought
about this recently, and I am curious to know, so ....

My question is with the setResourceProperties operation and if it is
really necessary. 

Although, I like readable (and queryable) RP’s, I cannot really see the
value of setRP, and additionally I think that it perhaps sends the wrong
message about how people might want to interact with their WS-Resources.
I think the RP should reflect the state of the WS-Resource, but
writing/editing/etc them directly should not be allowed. 

The dynamic schema document and the ‘current’ list of RP’S can be
discovered. The real power of RP’s is their read-only qualities - being
able to perform queries over them, etc etc. When it comes to changing
them, it should be via operations (or by some external event inside the
resource etc.) 

In my area of interest where WSRF is part of the framework, I cannot
imagine where directly editable RP’s would be used. Everytime, I would
prefer a well-defined operation (the results of which could be reflected
in the RP’s).

I am aware that there is a proposal to attach some metadata to the RP’s
indicating that they are modifiable, and so on, and so a service
implementer could choose to make all RPs read-only and design the
operations accordingly. Get rid of setRP and this metadata looks a lot

Well, I hope that makes sense and that I have not misunderstood too
badly ...



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