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Subject: Minutes from the teleconference on 15th November

The minutes are stored here:

and attached to this note.

(See attached file: WSRF TC [15Nov04] notes[1].htm)

Regards, Tim Banks
Title: WSRF TC notes

Notes from the OASIS WSRF TC teleconference
15th November 2004


Roll call


The roll call is kept on the TC web site under the meeting record.

See http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/event.php?event_id=4907

Approval of minutes from the face-to-face (26th October)


See: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/10016


There were no comments on the minutes and no objections to approving them.

Other Action Review

(Ian) Write a proposal for issue WSRF 25: More informative fault messages. Done.

See http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/wsrf/200410/msg00106.html
(Igor) Construct a ‘Purchase Order’ example/use case for the Primer. Done.

See http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/wsrf/200410/msg00098.html
(Editors) Rework drafts to incorporate resolutions of WSR49 (format of pseudo schema),
WSRF 53 (Stop using ‘wsrp’ etc), and WSRF56: (Specification drafts refer to
non-public urls.).  By 11th Nov.  See below.
(Bryan) Move issues 7, 13 to ‘closed’ (No action.) Move 30 to ‘resolved’. Done.
(?) Raise new issue: Examine use of ERPs in service group – in the operational
signatures for add - and base faults specs – now issue 73.  Done.
(Editors) Update specs according to resolution to WSRF 30: Define ‘Soap:action’ url
and update embodiments description.  See below
(Bryan) Move issues 40, 41, 46 & 47 to ‘closed’. (No action) Done.
(Tim/William) Document printer scenarios for Primer/Interop. Done.
(Dave) Note that the Interop editors team is formed to work on scenarios.
(IanR) Put the RenewableReferences specification on the TC web site.  Done
(DaveS) Collect requirements for renewable references, including from Grid community. Carry Fwd.
(Bryan) Move New issue 75: use of WS-RL is MAY not MUST to ‘resolved’. Done.
(SteveG) Make up sentences to describe the embodiment styles for Issue 76. Carry fwd.
(SueM) Decide whether the WSDL embodiment can satisfy DAIS usage. Carry fwd.
(GlenD) Propose text to improve the description of the WSDL embodiment. (Issue 77)  Carry fwd.
(Bryan) Create a new list of ‘Deferred’ issues and move WSRF9 (API to list properties)
onto it. Done
(Chairs) Confirm the venue/date for next face-to-face. This is at IBM in Raleigh NC,
from Noon on Wednesday 2nd until Noon on Friday 4th Feb.
(Chairs) Decide schedule for next rev of specs. This is: Candidate committee drafts rp/rl/rap/bf  by the next face-to-face.
(Bryan) Close WSRF1. No action.  Move WSRF71 to ‘resolved’. Done.

Review of Draft preparation status - Editors

WSRF-RAP, WSRF-RP: Action: Carry fwd. Anticipated before Thanksgiving.

WSRF-LT: Done, minor comments outstanding.

WSRF-SG: Done, minor comments outstanding.

WSRF-BF: Done, minor comments outstanding.

New Issues – IanR for Bryan


WSRF78: Should resource lifetime require WS-Resource

Action: (Bryan) Move to Open.

WSRF79: portType composition and properties document composition

Action: (Bryan) Move to Open.

WSRF80: SetResourceProperties atomicity

(IanR) This is already declared out of scope by he TC charter.

See  http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/wsrf/200410/msg00107.html and  http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/wsrf/200411/msg00004.html .

Action: (Bryan) Remove the issue.

WSRF81: Changes WSDL document structure

Action: (Bryan) Move to Open.


Issues - Dave

Resolved issues pending closure: need to wait until RP is ready by 25th so that we get a consolidated review.  Action: Everyone to review before next call.


>        WSRF6:  Describe properties consistently throughout the WS-RF specs (WSRF-RL)

>        WSRF56: Specification drafts refer to some non-public URLs

>        WSRF49: Describe the format used for the pseudo-schema

>        WSRF53: Stop using 'wsrp' to refer to WS-ResourceProperties

>        WSRF30: Not clear what the SOAPAction (and wsa:Action) field should be set to.

(Dave) Resolved that the standard construction from WS-A be used (See http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/wsrf/200411/msg00035.html )

>        WSRF43: Consider moving to the WS-Addressing 2004 namespace

>        WSRF71: Need normative rules for property composition

>        WSRF4:  GetResourceProperty on property document with xsd:any

>        WSRF9:  Need an API to list all properties including those allowed in an xsd:any.

>        WSRF24: Should the XPath evaluations in WSRF specs be made in the context of some namespaces defined or not

>        WSRF27: Add operation to return entire property document

>        WSRF48: Specify behavior of nillable properties


Ian: We should add the following.

>        WSRF75: Is WS-RL required?

>        WSRF76: Clarifications in embodiments for WS-Addressing.

(Steve) Isn’t this resolved? The issues list shows ‘open’.

Action (Bryan) Clarify status

>        WSRF25: Faults to say which properties were modified successfully

See below for resolution.

Open Issues

WSRF10: Metadata mechanism for properties such as read-only


(Dave) This issue can be closed since metadata doc is accepted

(Ian) Seconded.

Action(Bryan): Move to resolved. Need to check the other docs make correct reference to metadata if appropriate.

WSRF20: Notification message format not clear

(Dave) It’s not clear what is not clear.

(Steve) This has to do with Common Base Events (CBE) – and the wrapping of the notifications in this format. The syntax of the message is variable, but can be figured out by a client which should look for a  <wsrp:ResourcePropertyValueChangeNotification> element. 

(TimB) Is this extra work for the client?

(Dave) It is more work, but not much.

Proposed to close with no action.

(TimB) What about a second example to illustrate the alternative form?

(SteveG) This should go in the Appnotes

(Dave) Proposed to close with a CBE example in the AppNotes.

No Objections.

Action(Bryan) Move to ‘closed’

WSRF25: Faults to say which properties were modified successfully.
(IanR) This should be ‘resolved’.

Action: (Bryan) Move to resolved.


WSRF50: Faults common to multiple specs in one namespace

(Sam) There are a bunch of these related to Resource dispatching – eg ‘ResourceUnknown’. 

(Ian) There are related issues – the logical extension is issue 81 – combining WSDL/schema.

(KatyW) About WSA  - this has a ‘EndpointUnavailable’ – should this be used instead of ‘ResourceUnknown’?

(SteveG) There is some ambiguity dependent on implementation.

(?) ‘Unavailable’ means not available right now, Unknown means never available.

(Sam) If we made everything dependent on WSRF-RP then we could use that namespace.

(DaveS) Wouldn’t WSRF-RP be the place for this? (Assuming the status quo that WSRF-RL depends on WSRF-RP)

(IanR) This should really go in the WS-Resource.

(?) Or WSRF-BF

(SteveG) But Base Faults doesn’t define any faults.

(IanR) For may operations (eg business operations), the existence of the ‘ResourceUnknown’ fault will not be obvious if it’s defined in a separate document.

(DaveS) But structurally, the implementation filters out this fault before the business logic is invoked.

(IanR) We could accept that this is resolved with the descriptions being part of WSRF-RAP, but not for inclusion in the November working drafts.

(TimB) Seconded.

No objections.

Action(Bryan) Move to ‘resolved’.

Meeting closed 17:26 est


Summary of actions

(DaveS) Collect requirements for renewable references, including from Grid community.

(Carried foward from 15th Nov.)

(SteveG) Make up sentences to describe the embodiment styles for Issue 76. (Carried forward from 15th Nov.)
(SueM) Decide whether the WSDL embodiment can satisfy DAIS usage. (Carried foward from 15th Nov.)

(GlenD) Propose text to improve the description of the WSDL embodiment. (Issue 77)  (Carried foward from 15th Nov.)

(SteveG) Complete updates to WSRF-RAP, WSRF-RP and promote to Editors Drafts.  (Carried forward from 15th Nov.)

(Bryan) Move issues 78, 79 and 81 to  ‘Open’. Remove issue 80.

(ALL) On 25th Nov (When WSRF-RP is refreshed) review all specs for inclusion of resolutions to issues 6, 56, 49, 53, 30, 43, 71, 4, 9, 24, 27, 48, 75, 76, 25 ready for next call (29th Nov).

(Bryan) Clarify status of issue  76 – should be ‘resolved’ based on existing proposal.

(Bryan) Move issue 10 to ‘resolved’. Move Issue 20 to ‘Closed’, Move issue 25 to ‘resolved’. Move issue 50 to ‘resolved’.

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