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Subject: [xliff] Validation of XLIFF 1.0 doc with XLIFF 1.1 schema

The XLIFF 1.1 schema (Draft 3) specifies a targetNamespace, that is,
targetNamespace="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1". The targetNamespace
requires that a validating document also define the exact same namespace.
XLIFF 1.0 documents will either have the 1.0 namespace (i.e.,
xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:1.0") or no namespace declaration.
Therefore, XLIFF 1.0 documents will not validate until the namespace
declaration is changed. Once it is, it should validate normally.

Removing the targetNamespace and "xlf:" prefixes from the schema enables an
XLIFF 1.0 or 1.1 document to validate AS LONG AS NO namespace is declared.
If a namespace is declared, the document will not validate.

IMO, this is a major source of confusion with W3C XML Schema 1.0. I have
read conflicting recommendations about whether to use targetNamespace within
a schema.

For XLIFF 1.1, I recommend keeping the targetNamespace in the schema (as it
is), but to document that XLIFF 1.0 documents will need to specify the XLIFF
1.1 namespace in order to validate.

If anyone has the definitive answer on when to use targetNamespace in a
schema, please let me know.


Doug D

Ektron, Inc.
+1 603 594-0249

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