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Subject: Re: [xri-comment] XRD <uri> vs. Link: anchor=

Santosh, I think you're missing the point. Titles are for human consumption. Humans speak more than one language. So if you want an XRD editor to be able to display the title for an XRD link to a human in more than one human language (English, French, Arabic, Greek, etc.), then you need multiple <Title> elements:

<Link rel="http://example.com/example-rel" href=""http://example.com/example-uri">
   <Title xml:lang="en">Example Title in English</Title>
   <Title xml:lang="fr">Titre d'exemple en français</Title>


On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 7:49 PM, Santosh Rajan <santrajan@gmail.com> wrote:

Ok I will rephrase the questions. Why would a machine readable format for machine based information, require more than one language in its link element title? Any specific use case you have come across?

On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 12:57 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <eran@hueniverse.com> wrote:

Re #1: not if we want it to express multiple titles, each with a different language.


I could not figure out what you were trying to say with the rest of your points.




From: Santosh Rajan [mailto:santrajan@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2009 7:06 AM
To: xri-comment@lists.oasis-open.org

Subject: Re: [xri-comment] XRD <uri> vs. Link: anchor=


Right. In that case it would be better for XRD to specify a new separate field for language instead of multiple titles. And titles are generally considered as cardinality 0 or 1. 


1) Can't the XRD specify a language field and avoid multiple titles?

2) Since when, machine readable formats, and machine based information, cannot figure out a language, if it weren't clearly specified?

3) So you are saying XRD speaks "machine language"?, XRD can't understand any other machine language other than your own? Are we going back to the stone age here?

- Hide quoted text -


On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <eran@hueniverse.com> wrote:

Regarding point #2, title is left as an element because there is a fundamental difference between XRD and ATOM/HTML. XRD does not have a language context since it is a machine readable format for machine-based information. ATOM and HTML almost always have a specific context language and almost always one. This means in XRD we need to allow multiple titles with different languages for each link. You can’t do that easily using attributes.




From: Santosh Rajan [mailto:santrajan@gmail.com
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 7:15 AM
To: Jonathan Rees
Cc: xri-comment@lists.oasis-open.org; Eran Hammer-Lahav; Mark Nottingham; Ben Adida; openid-general@lists.openid.net
Subject: Re: [xri-comment] XRD <uri> vs. Link: anchor=



Hi Jonathan,


This is only the least of the problems with XRD. As far as the "link" element is concerned. Here are a few points I have to make. Please have a look at this post first of all.



1) The XRD "Link" element today looks exactly like the Atom "link" element.

2) Except for one difference. The "Title" element. The XRD Title element is not an attribute in a Link element, its an element on its own right, with the value being the title value.

3) This is ridiculous. They have not given a good argument for having a title element inside the link, instead of an attribute.

4) And here is another very unscientific argument. The "link" element looks very beautiful with all values described as attributes. Putting any value, inside an element, inside a link element makes it look positively ugly.


Of cource my argument can always be brushed aside as coming from a "crazy" as was posted here in this link.




On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Jonathan Rees <jar@creativecommons.org> wrote:

[ bcc: www-tag  for the TAG's information.  To broaden the discussion
beyond XRD change the cc: list as appropriate. ]

XRD <uri> seems to do exactly what the Link: header's anchor=
parameter does [1]. It would be nice if the two used the same token to
communicate this function.  As <uri> is not descriptive of the role
played by the URI, I recommend updating XRD to match Link:, by
renaming the <uri> element (or attribute, should you go that route) to
be <anchor>.


[1] http://www.mnot.net/drafts/draft-nottingham-http-link-header-07.txt

(p.s. I wonder if HTML5's <link> element should have an 'anchor'
attribute, for symmetry ...)

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